The Details tab of the Mailing Activity Report (MAR) provides a variety of reports that are related to the message recipients and the actions that they took (such as opened, clicked, shared, and opted out). There are also web-tracking metrics based on purchases and other interactions.
This article describes the reports, as well as the management options that are available on the page.
Access the Mailing Activity Report
New Admin Experience
- Navigate to Messages > List.
- Click the down arrow to the right of the page title and select Sent.
- Click a message to select it, and then click Track.
Classic Admin interface
You can access the Mailing Activity Report for each mailing in either of two ways:
- On the Home page, in the Recently Sent Mailings area, click the name of a mailing
- Navigate to Mailings > View page
- Click the Sent tab and hover over the menu icon immediately to the left of a mailing.
- Select Report from the list.
Data availability in Thrive Marketing Professional
The data on the Details tab is available for 90 days from the date the mailing was sent.
NOTE: Higher Logic recommends that you export the report (click the Export button above the list) and store it on your preferred device if you want to preserve the data for future analysis.
Details tab vs Key Metrics tab
Some of the reports on this tab offer details of the more high-level metrics that are available on the Key Metrics tab. For example:
- On the Key Metrics tab, the Non-Delivered rows show that there were 18 soft bounces and 19 hard bounces.
While this information is useful — and perhaps all you really need — consider:
- On the Details tab, the Non Delivered > Bounces report lists all 37 of those bounces PLUS the email addresses and statuses of the recipients, and any other available fields that you want to include.
TIP: Use the column chooser (described in the next section) to add and remove columns in the reports on the Details tab for more customized data.
Reports panel
The Reports panel is the gateway to the Mailing Activity Report's "details" reports.
Reports panel notes
- Some reports discussed herein have since been retired and are no longer available.
- The available reports in any given account are dependent on the account's unique settings.
To access the reports:
- In the Reports panel, click the + sign next to a report category to expand the category and access its reports, as shown below; click the – sign to collapse the category.
- Click a report title to have its data populate the section to the right.
Display exceptions
The majority of these reports display as customizable grids in the right part of the interface. There is one exception in the Opens category:
- The Email Client Type Usage report displays as a pie chart with percentage callouts. Hover on a percentage callout to see the numeric value, as shown with Web Browser (a count of 1) below.
Email client types
The email client data that Higher Logic Thrive Marketing Professional (Thrive Marketing Professional) reports on are:
- Mobile Device - All mobile devices (tablets, smartphones, etc.) of all manufacturers.
- Desktop Software - All desktop-based email client applications, such as Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird.
- Web Based Email - All web-based email applications, such as Hotmail and Gmail.
- Web Browser - All browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari) that are used to view the web-based email.
- Uncertain - Any email client application this does not fit in any of the above classifications or is, for some reason, unclassifiable (as in the case of a customer blocking data-collection).
Print & download
This report has a "hamburger" menu which, when clicked, has the following print and download options. Use these to save a copy of the graphical representation of the report that displays on the page.
Manage the reports grid
All of the reports (except the Email Client Type Usage report) display as customizable grids. Above each grid there are options that you can use to manage (e.g., filter, add/remove columns, and export) the report data.
TIP: Click a column header to sort on that column; click again to reverse the sort order. Small up and down arrows appear and indicate which column is being sorted and the order.
Management options
The following table describes the options that you can use to customize and manage the report results.
NOTE: Not all options are available for all reports.
TIP: Click any populated row to open the Subscriber Pop-Up.
Option | Click to... |
Search | Open a report-specific popup. Click the dropdowns to select your criteria and click Find. |
Reset | Clear any filters and/or search criteria that you have applied and restore the original list. |
Columns | Open the column-chooser popup. Add and remove columns; drag to reposition them; click Ok to save and exit. |
Export | Export the top-most 5,000 rows of the report to Microsoft Excel (click Download Excel File in the popup). NOTE: If the report exceeds 5,000 rows, the system displays a popup message with an Email the file button. Click the button to receive an email with the password-protected file. In the next popup, note the password. |
Target | Open a popup and create an On the Fly target group. |
Filter | Open a popup. Click the dropdowns to filter by Folder and/or Target Group. |
Unsub | Unsubscribe the selected recipients; click OK at the confirmation prompt. NOTE: This option is unique to the Bounces report and activates only when at least one record is selected. |
The sections that follow describe each of the reports, by category. The descriptions are intentionally high-level to keep them brief; the columns and data that display for each report depend the report's default configuration.
TIP: Remember to use the column chooser to add and remove metrics to customize the reports.
Recipients reports
Report | Data |
All | The email addresses to which the message was sent. |
Suppressed | The email addresses of anyone who was not sent this message based on a suppression rule. |
Unsubscribes | The email addresses of the recipients who unsubscribed from all messages upon receiving this message. |
Opt-Outs (MD1 only) |
The email addresses of the recipients who, upon receiving this message, used the single-click opt-out option to opt out of future messages of this same type. |
Non Delivered reports
- Bounces - The email addresses that triggered a "bounce" upon receiving this message.
Opens reports
Report | Data |
Unique | The email addresses of the recipients who opened this message. |
Duration (MD1 only) |
The length of time that the connection (established when a recipient opens a message) between the Thrive Marketing Professional server and the email client remained active. See the Duration section in Understand Opens, Clicks, & Forwards. |
Email Client Type | The type of email client in which the message was opened. |
Clicks reports
NOTE: If a recipient email address displays as red text, that recipient has subsequently been unsubscribed.
Report | Data |
All | The email addresses of the recipients who clicked a link in this message and which link. This "All" total derives from a combination of clicking multiple links and/or clicking one link multiple times; each click is counted. Refer to Clicks example below. |
Unique | The email addresses of the recipients who clicked at least one link in this message. Refer to Clicks example below. |
Link Summary | The link names and URLs in this message that were clicked. |
Clicks example
Assume that MESSAGE A contains five links.
- Jane opens MESSAGE A and clicks 3 of the links, once each; 3 links clicked a total of 3 times.
- Ted opens MESSAGE A and clicks 2 of the links twice and the other 3 links once each; 5 links clicked a total of 7 times.
Combining Jane's and Ted's activity, these reports show:
- All clicks = 10 (Jane's 3 + Ted's 7); all clicks of all links by all recipients
- Unique clicks = 2 (Jane's click + Ted's click); only the first click of any link by all recipients; i.e., subsequent clicks are not counted.
Web Tracking reports
Website-based activity in this report includes:
- activity that was initiated from this email message and
- activity from direct visits to a site; (i.e., visits that were not initiated from an email message).
NOTE: This report will display if domain tracking has ever been set up in your account, irrespective of whether the tracked domain is still receiving data or even still exists.
Web-tracking example
John opens a message and clicks a link to access your site. On your site, John clicks a few pages, clicks to watch a video (that is tracked with interaction tracking), and clicks to make a purchase.
This "click activity" is included in this report and in the Web Tracking Reports (available by clicking Web Tracking in the Admin interface left navigation).
NOTE: The dedicated Web Tracking Report does not indicate which email message initiated the web activity.
Report | Data |
Page Summary | The pages that were visited from a link-click in this email message. |
Interaction Summary | Any interactions that started from a link-click in this email message. |
Purchase Summary | Any purchases that started from a link-click in this email message. |
Subscriber Summary | The email addresses of the message recipients and their activities on a site from a link-click in this email message. |
Subscriber Page Detail | The email addresses of the message recipients and details about their page visits on a site from a link-click in this email message. |
Subscriber Interaction Detail | The email addresses of the message recipients and details about any web-page interactions on a site from a link-click in this email message. |
Subscriber Purchase Detail | The email addresses of the message recipients and details about any purchases on a site from a link-click in this email message. |
Viral reports
NOTE: These reports (and the associated functionality/options) are unique to Mailing Designer 1 (MD1).
Report | Data |
Social Sharing | The email addresses of the recipients who shared this message on a social-media site by clicking a button in a story that was inserted in the message. |
Sharing Summary | The social-media sites on which this message was shared. |
Mailing Social Posts | The number of clicks to automatically share a link to the web version of the message on social-media sites. |