Synchronize (aka "sync”) is the process by which Higher Logic Thrive Marketing Professional (Thrive Marketing Professional) receives information from Association Anywhere. This is not only an enormous factor in organized data movement, but also a great way to add to your team's efficiency. And because this process is actively supported by Thrive Marketing Professional and ACGI, we've got you covered.
Syncing basics
There are two types of syncs in the Association Anywhere integration:
- Retrieving the list of Association Anywhere distribution lists with the category and subcategory of External System and Thrive Marketing Professional.
- Retrieving the subscribers for a particular distribution list from Association Anywhere.
There are four events that trigger a sync. These occur when a user:
- Clicks the Refresh Target Group List button for an Association Anywhere target group.
- Clicks the Refresh Target Group List button on the Bridge Configuration page.
- Clicks the Info menu option on the Target Group List page.
- Sends a mailing to an Association Anywhere target group.
Newly-created distribution lists coming into Thrive Marketing Professional are initially placed in the Association Anywhere target group folder. These can be moved to different folders based on a user’s preferences.
Note that syncing does not update the counts for distribution lists. The counts can later be updated by using the Info menu options on a specific target group.
Steps to sync
- Navigate to Subscribers > Target Groups.
- Click the Folder dropdown list and select Association Anywhere.
- Click Refresh Target Group List.
Alternatively, you can sync from the Bridge Configuration page.
- Navigate to Admin > Setup > Bridge Configuration.
- Click Refresh Target Group List.
This button does not update the counts for distribution lists; it simply brings over any newly created distribution lists in Association Anywhere.
Update list counts & view list of subscribers
As noted above, bringing a distribution list into Thrive Marketing Professional via a sync is only one part of the process. The second part is to get a count for a specific target group. It can be helpful to understand the initial sizing of a list to set expectations around the relative size of a target group. To generate a count:
- Navigate to Subscribers > Target Groups.
- Hover over the Menu icon for a target group and select Info.
The information window that displays will show the count.
If necessary, click Resync Now to resync the target group.