Writeback is a term used to indicate how data is sent to your integrated database from Higher Logic Thrive Marketing Professional (Thrive Marketing Professional) (i.e., data is "written back" to your database).
Writebacks overview
Writebacks provide two benefits:
- They are an easy way to present information that lives in Thrive Marketing Professional to those users that use iMIS but not Thrive Marketing Professional. It's very efficient for a customer service rep to be able to open an individual's record in iMIS to confirm aspects about their email history with the organization.
- They enable your organization to combine data from iMIS, Thrive Marketing Professional, and other applications into iMIS for analysis.
Thrive Marketing Professional writes back all information from the subscriber record in Thrive Marketing Professional to the iMIS Activity table: iMIS Name ID, Subscriber bounce date, Pipe-delimited (|) string containing the first 250 characters of Subscriber_email, and subscriber modified date (resubscribe date).
Information written back to iMIS is visible in iMIS on that record's History tab.
Thrive Marketing Professional-to-iMIS communications
This is a high-level view of how Thrive Marketing Professional and iMIS communicate:
- Thrive Marketing Professional and iMIS are connected by "the bridge."
- The synchronization moves subscriber-activity information from iMIS to Thrive Marketing Professional.
- Any changes between Thrive Marketing Professional and iMIS are made via a Thrive Marketing Professional-owned changes table found in iMIS.
Subscriber activity writebacks
iMIS subscriber-activity writebacks capture a change in status. This data is inserted into the iMIS Activity table. Below are the types of subscriber activities that Thrive Marketing Professional writes to iMIS:
- iUnsub
- iBadEmail
- iOptout
- iResub
- iCorrect
There are several commonalities for each subscriber-activity writeback:
- Writebacks place records in the iMIS activity table.
- Writebacks require separate database-stored procedures in your iMIS database.
- With the exception of iOptout, which is written back immediately, all subscriber activity is written back once a day at 1:00 am.
NOTE: When a subscriber's email address is changed and he or she is unsubscribed in Thrive Marketing Professional for a canceled reason that has resub_on_email_change flag =1, the subscriber is automatically resubscribed.
Writebacks with user-defined tables
Based on the activity you want to write back, you may need to create a user-defined table.
IMPORTANT: A user-defined table is required in iMIS in order for these writebacks to properly function. If the writeback feature is activated but the required table does not exist or is incorrectly formatted, the writeback will not be sent until the setup requirements are met.
The following writebacks require a user-defined table:
- Campaigns
- Mailing Activity
- Personas
- Scoring (Engagement and Lead)
- Surveys
- Voting (Ballots)
- Web Tracking