Query Creation in nFE |
- The query builder tool must be used.
- Query name must start with the text Informz.
- Query cannot have ask at run time parameters.
No changes. |
Query Result Columns in nFE must include |
- Customer - Primary Email Address
- Customer - Customer Record number (cst_recno)
- Customer - Primary Email Address
- Customer - Email Opt Out status
Unique Identifier |
- Customer - Primary Email Address
- Customer - Primary Email Address
- Customer - Customer key (cst_key)
Personalization Fields |
- Include additional result columns in query.
- Personalization fields are tied to each target group.
- Personalization is independent from a target group.
- Retrieves any non-sensitive personalization information using the <GetQueryDefinition> call via the Abila API.
Unsubscribes/ Re-subscribes |
- On a nightly basis, Abila updates a mailing list to include anyone with an Email Opt Out status. Daily (5:00 am), Informz makes an xWeb call to get these records. Informz marks these records as unsubscribed in Informz.
- Informz retrieves the Email Opt Out status via the web service and unsubscribes/resubscribes Individuals appropriately, keeping Informz in sync with nFE in real time.
Writebacks |
- Requires Informz-specific child forms to be created during implementation to store writeback activity.
- Writeback activity is stored in Messaging Activity, a baseline table available to all nFE clients.
- More activities are now available to be sent back to nFE.
Email Preference Management |
- Recommend clients include a link to their eWeb form which manages email preferences. Members are required to log in to nFE to update the eWeb form.
- Informz will provide email preference management via IPM
- Creation of a Data Input Form will occur in Inform
Audiences |
- Audiences cannot be used to create target groups.
- Audiences can be used to create target groups, but only based on Individual queries.