Drop down list (multiple choice – single answer)
Respondents can select only one choice from a drop down menu.
Check Boxes (multiple choice – multiple answer)
Respondents can select multiple answers by checking the appropriate box adjacent to each answer.
Radio Buttons (multiple choice – single answers)
Respondents are presented with multiple answers from which they can ONLY select one option by clicking on a radio button.
1 Line text box
Text box where users can enter any free text data.
Multi-line text box
Text area where users enter any free text data.
Multiple select box (Multiple choice – multiple answer)
Text box which list answer options. User can select one or more answers.
Date field
Respondents are forced to enter in date information in a particular format to ensure data consistency.
Matrix (multiple choice – single answer)
A matrix question is a set or series of questions that share answer choices. A matrix question is arranged like a table, where the questions are listed down the left, and answer choices across the top.
Ranking question using text boxes
Respondents are presented with a series of answers. Adjacent to each is a text box where they can rank each of the answers.
Constant Sum
A constant sum question permits collection of “ratio” data, meaning that the data is able to express the relative value or importance of the options (option A is twice as important as option B).