Domain authentication test fails
If your domain authentication does not pass the test:
- Your DNS change may need more time to propagate. Check your DNS settings to see how long it will take for your record to be live.
- You may need a period character at the end of the "Alias" field (e.g.,
- You may need a period character at the end of the "Name" field (e.g., "s01a._domainkey." or, if your domain is not assumed, you may need "s01a._domainkey.yourdomain.")
- Make sure that the fields are in the correct order when creating your CNAME record. Remember, your domain should be pointing to the domain. It should look something like, "s01a._domainkey.yourdomain" points to "".
- Make sure that the second CNAME record is configured properly (e.g., s01b). This record is needed in case the DKIM keys are rotated in the future.
CNAME configuration
Each DNS is different, so below are tips for CNAME configuration:
- GoDaddy uses "Points to" in place of the "Alias" field
- SoftLayer uses "Points to" in place of "Alias" and requires a " . " at the end of the field
- Office 365 uses "Address" in place of "Alias" and does not require a " . " at the end of each field
- Network Solutions uses "Alias" in place of the "Name" field and the "other host" field is really the "Alias"
- You may need to refer to your DNS provider for additional instructions if you are unable to successfully complete the configuration.