For each of your Landing Pages, you can access high-level data (such as page views and submits) and granular views that take advantage of the reporting in Higher Logic Thrive Marketing Professional (Thrive Marketing Professional).
Access the reports
There are two high-level metrics that you can access right on the Landing Pages list page.
- Views in last 30 days displays the number of views that the Landing Page has received during the past 30 days. A "view" is counted for Active Landing Pages only; Landing Pages in Test mode are not included in this count. Each subscriber request to view an Active page registers as a single page view.
- Submits in last 30 days displays the number of times that a Landing Page was submitted during the past 30 days. A "submit" is counted for Active Landing Pages and for Landing Pages in Test modes because this verifies that your page data is being submitted properly.
Additional reporting columns
If you export your high-level report to a spreadsheet by clicking Export, you can include the above two columns as well as these additional columns:
- Name - The name of the Landing Page as given by the user.
- Type - The type of Landing Page: Form, Content-only, Unsubscribe, or Custom.
- URL - String of text representing where the resource can be found on the internet.
- Description - Description provided in the Landing Page properties by the user.
- Folder - The folder that the Landing Page resides in.
- Modified By - The last user to modify this Landing Page from within Thrive Marketing Professional.
- Modify Date - The date on which the Modified By user changed this Landing Page.
Reports for a single landing page
You can also view reports for a single Landing Page that is either Active or Archived.
NOTE: This only applies to subscriber/profile forms.
- Navigate to Landing Pages.
- Click the Active or Archive tab.
- Select Report from the hover menu to the left of the Landing Page.
You will see all the submit activity the form has received.
If there are data for multiple days, there will be a chart depicting activity for the duration of the Landing Page's activation. This information can be tailored to include various subscriber data (Personal Info, Demographic Data, and Interests).
TIP: Click Export to export the report to a spreadsheet.