Polls are easy-to-create, one-question surveys that Super Admins and Community Admins can add to community pages in order to quickly elicit feedback from their community members.
Two versions of polls
There are two versions of polls.
The "core" polls module is available to all customers. It's management is limited to Super Admins, who can create polls and add them to their site homepage and interior community pages. This version of polls does not support having unique polls on a community-by-community basis.
An enhanced version of polls is available when you license the optional module, Group Manager. Polls creation is still limited to Super Admins, but now Community Admins can add those polls to the homepages of the communities that they manage, and they can remove polls and view their results.
- Remember, even with Group Manager, only Super Admins can create polls.
What polls are...
- One-question survey that prompts quick, one-click answers from participants
- Simple and quick to create but only offer minimal customization
What polls are not...
- Dynamic
- Branching
- Highly customizable
Types of polls
Three types of polls can be created:
- Yes/No - A simple, two-choice poll. While Yes and No are the predefined answers for this poll, they are customizable (e.g., Sure/No Thanks, Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down).
- Rating - A more granular, multi-choice poll providing more flexibility in answers. These polls can either have a numeric- or text-based rating scale that's fully customizable. The Numeric scale allows up to 10 customizable numerical ratings (e.g., 1, 2, 3; 1.0, 2.0, 3.0; 10, 20, 30), while the Text scale allows up to 5 customizable text ratings (I love it, Maybe, I don't like it).
- Custom - A fully custom poll with no predefined answers. This poll type is meant for those wanting full control over the answers, with those answers generally being text-based and free-form in nature (e.g., you're asking your audience for session titles for your upcoming annual conference, requesting names for your product's upcoming feature). A minimum of 2 answers are required, with up to 10 answers possible.