IMPORTANT: The Surveys module has been moved to the Maintenance stage of the product lifecycle. As such, it is not available to new customers.
Current users can continue to use it, and Higher Logic commits to the conditions of the lifecycle stage as detailed in Higher Logic's Product Life Cycle and Support Assurance Plan.
Each survey includes a Define Survey Properties page where you can define properties for the survey. Use this feature to modify the following survey attributes:
- Appearance and layout
- Question fonts and text formatting
- Mandatory questions
- Question spacing
- Real-time results availability
- Page break properties
- Submission properties
Accessing survey properties
On the Create/Edit Survey Content page, select Survey Properties from the More menu in the upper right.
The Define Survey Properties page includes dozens of properties, grouped into several categories. Let's take a look at the more widely used categories.
NOTE: If you make any changes in a category, be sure to click its Go button to save them.
TIP: At the bottom of the following Properties pages, you can check the Save as default for all future forms box to have any any properties you set be the defaults for all future surveys.
Define survey style
In this category, you can define a number of properties, including:
- The number of columns your survey has (1, 2, or 3)
- A number of table attributes, like background color, table width, and whether the table has a border
- The positioning of questions to answers; they can be horizontal (adjacent to each other) or vertical (one below another)
- Whether a Clear Answers button is available on the form
- Whether survey questions are automatically numbered
Select a survey template
This is where you can choose whether your survey uses a template. If your survey is already using a template, you can change it to any existing template, or even opt to no longer use a template.
Define question/answer style
Use the upper group of properties to customize the text of your questions; use the lower group to customize the text of respondents' answers. You can define standard properties, like the font face, size, color, and weight.
Define mandatory question options
You can control whether your required questions are set apart from your standard questions. If you want them to be, set the Do you want to highlight the mandatory questions? option to Yes. Then, you can highlight them in one of two ways:
- Select Using this Symbol/Text and specify the preferred symbol or text. The default is an asterisk (*).
- Select Highlighting the Question with a different font style and define the font properties below.
Define other properties
Here, you can manage other survey properties:
- Whether you want the survey results displayed (Real Time Results) to respondents after they submit their answer, and whether your survey template should be used on the Real Time Results page
- The number of spaces between each question; the spacing can be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 spaces
- The title of the "submit" button users click to submit their answers
Define submission options
Here, you can manage a number of important settings:
- Whether your survey has a submission due date. If set to Yes, you can type or select a date, and edit the text that will display to respondents who try to submit after the due date.
- Whether your survey is limited to a maximum number of respondents. If set to Yes, you can enter the total number of respondents allowed, and the text to display to respondents who submit after this number is reached.
- Whether respondents can submit the survey more than once. If set to No, you can edit the text displayed to respondents who try to submit the survey more than once. When set to No, another option appears that controls whether respondents can at least edit their responses and resubmit. It's generally a best practice to give respondents a chance to edit their responses in case they made a mistake.
Tip 1: Define the width of a survey
You have two options:
- Pixel Width - You can define the exact number of pixels you want the survey to span. Pixel width can be between 100 and 2400 pixels.
- Percentage - You can define what percentage of the viewable window the survey should occupy. By default surveys are set 100%.
Tip 2: Manage text formatting
By default, the font for questions and answers is black and 10 point. To change these properties for questions and/or answers, expand the Define Question/Answer Style category where you can set the following properties.
- Font face
- Font size
- Font color
- Font weight
- Font style
- Underline
- Text alignment
Format individual questions and answers
You can manage the formatting of the text of an individual question.
- Click the Edit button below the question. At the top of the Input Question box there is a text editor. Highlight the text you want to manage and use the text editor to change its properties. You can change the formatting of either the entire question or just individual words.
You can manage the formatting of the text of an individual answer.
- Adjacent to each answer is a Font icon. Click this to change the font, color, formatting, and font size. You can change either the entire answer or just individual words.