IMPORTANT: The Surveys module has been moved to the Maintenance stage of the product lifecycle. As such, it is not available to new customers.
Current users can continue to use it, and Higher Logic commits to the conditions of the lifecycle stage as detailed in Higher Logic's Product Life Cycle and Support Assurance Plan.
The Surveys List page is where you create surveys and manage your existing ones. To access it:
- Access the Admin interface.
- Navigate to Surveys > List.
Create a survey
Enter a name in the Create New Survey field and click Go.
- If there's more than one folder, select which folder to add the survey to, and then click Go.
See Create a Survey to learn more about the survey-creation process.
Manage surveys
Select a survey to enable the following management options (discussed from left to right):
- click Edit to make updates in the Survey Builder;
- click the paper icon (Save As) to make a copy of the survey with another name;
- click the X to delete the survey (deleted surveys cannot be recovered);
- click the list icon (Details) to view the survey's details in a pop-up, where you can also preview the survey in a new browser window and view its tracking report.
Manage folders
Click the folder icon in the upper right to display the available folders.
- Select a folder to view its assets (groups, messages, surveys, and events).
- Click Manage Folders to create, rename, and delete folders (you can't delete the Main Folder, only sub-folders).
- Click Move Assets and follow the steps to move assets to a different folder.
- Click Close to hide the folder view.
NOTE: Assets must be in the same folder in order to be associated with one another. If you're sending a survey to a group of email message recipients, the message, the group, and the survey must exist in the same folder.
Find surveys
Use the search field to refine the list of surveys in the current folder (which is indicated in the upper right).
To change folders, click the folder icon, select a folder, and click Close.
NOTE: You may have to enable folder view first.
TIP: Click a column header to sort by that column; click again to reverse the sort order.
At the bottom of the page, you can change how many surveys are displayed per page, and click the page-selection buttons to navigate to any additional pages.