Each event includes a Define Event Properties page where you can define properties for the event. Use this feature to modify the following event attributes:
- Payment options
- Paid Item properties
- Event web page styles
- Form Item font styles
- Some default event messaging
Accessing event properties
During any step of the event-creation process, select Event Properties from the More menu at the upper right.
The Define Event Properties page includes dozens of properties, grouped into several categories. Let's take a look at the more widely used categories.
NOTE: If you make any changes in a category, be sure to click its Go button to save them.
Define event payment options
In this category, you can define several payment options, including:
- The Payment Gateway account you want to process credit card payments (See Manage Event Payment Options to learn about this process.)
- The sign up mode (Live or Test)
- Whether the event accepts payment by check or E-check (the E-check option may not be available for your account; if not, create a case)
Define Paid Item Properties
In the area at the top, click the Edit buttons to change the default text for the Paid Item form columns.
Below, you can set a number of properties, like the sort order of items, the event date & time format, and alternate background row colors for the table.
Define Event Webpage Style
This is where you define default properties for web pages associated to the event, like the number of columns, the page background color, a background image, page width and height, and more.
Define Form Field Font Styles
Here, you can define the font properties for all text associated to your Form Field Items. Be sure to set the font properties for both the Question and Answer text.
Define Default Messages
Here, you can update the default text displayed:
- when a Paid Item is sold out,
- when a Paid Item's start/end date has expired,
- when the maximum registrations have been reached for a Paid Item for a single registrant, and
- when a registrant attempts to move forward without selecting at least one Paid Item on the form.
Define Other Properties
Here, you can set a number of important settings, including:
- The default editor selected when editing Text Items (the HTML or Copy-Paste editor)
- The event's time zone
- The symbol used to denote required fields
- Whether registrants can import the event to their personal calendar (e.g., Outlook)
Common questions
How many columns can my event web pages have?
Event web pages can have 1, 2, or 3 columns.
Can I define the width of my event pages?
Yes. In the Define Event Webpage Style category, you have two options:
- Pixel Width - You can define the exact number of pixels you want the event page to span.
- Percentage - You can define what percentage of the viewable window the event page should display. By default surveys are set 100%.
Can I format the style for mandatory questions?
Yes. In the Define Option Properties category > Define a symbol or text to highlight mandatory fields option, you can do so with a symbol or text, and even with a unique font color.
NOTE: By default, mandatory questions are indicated by an asterisk (*).
Can I save my options to apply to all future events?
Yes. Each category on the Define Event Properties page includes the Save as default for all future events checkbox. Check this box for any property categories you want to be the defaults for all future events.