You likely already know you can manage all of a user's community notifications from their profile after impersonating them. But did you know you can quickly manage any user's community notifications right from the Admin Interface, without needing to impersonate them?
TIP: If you need to manage these notifications for a lot of users, this tool will save you a lot of time.
In this article, you'll learn how to:
- Determine what communities a user belongs to.
- Adjust the notification settings for these communities on their behalf without needing to impersonate them.
If you're not familiar with the various types of community notifications, check out Manage Your Community Notifications to learn more.
Common use cases
While users are free to update their own community notifications from their profiles, some users may not know how and request help.
Here are two common reasons why you'll need to adjust a user's community notifications:
- A user reports they're receiving too many emails. In this case, switch them to Daily and/or Weekly Consolidated Digests instead of Real Time emails.
- A user reports they're not receiving email notifications from one of their community Discussions. In this case, adjust their notification setting from No Email to Real Time emails or one of the Digest options.
- In the Admin Toolbar, click Admin.
- Navigate to Users > Community Subscriptions.
NOTE: Changes made here are reflected on the My Account > Community Notifications page of the user's profile.
To manage a user's community notifications:
- Search for a user by their primary email address (or by ID if the community is AMS-managed).
NOTE: Specify email addresses in their entirety; partial email addresses are not accepted.
- In the resulting interface, you can (reference the letters to the image below):
- If Consolidated Digests are enabled for your site, you can change the email address where the user's Consolidated Daily and Weekly digest emails are delivered.
NOTE: You'll only be able to enter overrides if the user has at least one community added to these digests. This is managed at the bottom of the page by checking the boxes.
- Change the day their Consolidated Weekly digest is delivered.
- Set override email addresses for each of the communities the user belongs to, meaning its Discussion emails will be delivered to an address other than their primary.
- This toggle controls whether the delivery of a Discussion's emails automatically stops if a user adds it to a Consolidated Daily or Weekly digest. Setting this to Yes is typically recommended to prevent users from receiving multiple emails containing the same content.
- At the bottom of the page, each community a user belongs to is listed. You can: (1) manage the delivery setting for each community Discussion (Real Time, Daily Digest, No Email) and (2) add/remove community content to/from either of the Consolidated Digests (or both).