Accounting Codes allow you to categorize groups of email messages for your account. This feature is typically used for internal "bill back" processes between departments, but you can use this whenever you want to group email messages.
You can also generate a monthly report to see how many email messages were sent, by accounting code, for that month.
Accounting Codes notes
Below are a few things to note about Accounting Codes.
- The system does not provide or generate these codes; they are internal and unique to your organization.
- Accounting code names can contain letters, numerals, and special characters.
- Accounting code names that start with a special character will be listed first, followed by those that start with a numeral, and then an alphabetized list.
Access your Accounting Codes
To manage your accounting codes:
- Access the Admin interface.
- Navigate to Settings > Setup > Accounting Codes.
Use this page to add, change, and delete accounting codes.
Add an Accounting Code
- Click Add Accounting Code to add codes.
NOTE: Code and Description are required fields.
- In the Code field, specify an accounting code, such as Sales EAST.
NOTE: If your account has a convention for naming accounting codes, be sure to use it.
- Provide a clear Description of the code.
- Optionally, check the box to make this accounting code the default.
NOTE: You must have one default accounting code. It will be used if one isn't chosen for an email message.
- Click Enter.
Your codes will be listed on the Accounting Codes page; the default code will be indicated.
Modify an Accounting Code
- Click an edit icon in the Modify column to make changes to that accounting code.
- You can edit the code, description, and/or default status; click Enter.
You will be returned to the Accounting Codes page; verify that the code has been updated.
Delete an Accounting Code
- Click an X in the Delete column to remove that accounting code.
- Click Yes at the prompt to confirm the deletion.
You will be returned to the Accounting Codes page; verify that the code is no longer listed.
Accounting Codes Report
To run an accounting codes report:
- Access the Admin interface.
- Navigate to Settings > Setup > Accounting Codes Report.
Use this page to generate a list, by accounting code, of the email messages that were sent during a calendar month.
NOTE: Accounting code data is calculated at the beginning of the month for the previous month.
- Select a month and a year from the dropdowns.
- Click Submit.
The page will refresh and the report will display the month and year in the heading area, and the accounting code, its description, the number of email messages sent, and the cost of sending the email messages.
- Click a number in the Emails column to see a list of the email messages that were sent for the accounting code.