This article describes how to upload lists of contacts as:
- Opt-outs
- Unsubscribes
- Resubscribes
You can also upload a prepared list of contacts using our standard "contact upload process," as described in Upload Contacts.
Prepare your upload file
Below are a few tips for preparing the upload file.
- The only valid file format for these upload processes is .TXT.
- The system cannot read a .CSV file so make sure that your file is saved as a tab-delimited text file.
- If you've prepared your upload file as a spreadsheet, remove the header row, delete all columns except the email address column, and save it as a Text (Tab delimited) file. Email addresses must populate the first column of your spreadsheet.
- After you've populated the file, give it a unique name (for example, include the date).
- Do not use spaces in the file name. We recommend using hyphens ( - ) and underscores ( _ ) to ensure a successful upload.
Upload Opt-Outs
Let's take a look at how to use an upload process to associate opt-outs to contacts in your account.
TIP: Refer to Prepare your upload file, above, for important file-prep and file-type notes.
Step 1 - Choose your opt-out upload method
- Navigate to Contacts > Upload > Opt-Outs.
- On the Upload Method step, select either:
- Upload a file to upload your prepared file. Click Choose File and then select the file.
- Enter email addresses to upload a list of email addresses (one address per line). If you're uploading anything other than email addresses, we recommend using the Upload a file method. Also, if you want to include additional data fields with the email addresses, you can separate the data by pressing Tab or by using one of the following delimiters: | (vertical bar), ~ (tilde), or , (comma).
- Select your Upload Source from the menu. This option lets you keep track of the origination of your upload lists. For example, an attendance sheet from a recent conference.
- Click Next.
Step 2 - Preview the data
- Verify the data preview.
- Click Next.
Step 3 - Select the opt-outs
For this step, you will associate opt-outs to the contacts you're uploading.
To add one or more opt-outs:
- Select the opt-out(s) to associate with the contacts you're uploading. Any existing opt-outs are listed in the Available Opt-Outs box. To add one of these, click to highlight one or more and then click Select >> to move them to the Selected Opt-Outs box.
TIP: To select multiple at once, hold Ctrl or Shift and then make your selections.
TIP: To remove an opt-out, select it in the Selected Opt-Out area and click << Remove. It returns to the Available Opt-Outs area.
- The opt-out(s) you're going to associate to the contacts are listed in the Selected Opt-Outs box. After verifying this is accurate, click Upload.
WARNING: If the "empty Personal Info fields" box is checked and your upload contains empty Personal Info fields for an existing contact, any data in those Personal Info fields will be removed and cannot be retrieved. You may want to use this option if, for example, you want to update specific Personal Info fields for a batch of contacts as part of the upload process.
A message confirms that your opt-outs are being uploaded. You'll receive a confirmation email when your upload is complete. Click Click Here to view the results in your Upload History (view by navigating to Contacts > Upload > History).
Upload Unsubscribers
Upload a list of unsubscribers in order to simultaneously unsubscribe multiple email addresses. Unsubscribed email addresses are not removed or deleted from your account; they are simply no longer included in your organization's mailings.
TIP: Refer to Prepare your upload file, above, for important file-prep and file-type notes.
When you upload a list of contacts using this method:
- all email addresses in the upload file are marked as unsubscribers and
- any new email addresses in the upload file are added as new, "unsubscribed" subscribers.
- Navigate to Contacts > Upload > Unsubscribes.
- Choose your upload method:
- Select I have a file to upload a file. Select Choose File, and then select the file.
- Select I just want to enter the information to upload a list of email addresses (one address per line). If you're uploading anything other than email addresses, we recommend using the Upload a file method. Also, if you want to include additional data fields with the email addresses, you can separate the data by pressing Tab or by using one of the following delimiters: | (vertical bar), ~ (tilde), or , (comma).
- Click Upload.
A message confirms that your unsubscribers are being uploaded. You'll receive a confirmation email when your upload is complete. Click Click Here to view the results in your Upload History (view by navigating to Contacts > Upload > History).
Upload Resubscribers
Upload a list of resubscribers in order to simultaneously resubscribe multiple email addresses. Resubscribed email addresses are, essentially, re-included in your organization's mailings.
IMPORTANT: Higher Logic embraces a commitment to permissions-based sending practices. If you are considering performing a bulk resubscribe of contact email addresses, Higher Logic encourages you to: i) ensure that you have obtained consent from the contacts whom you intend to resubscribe, and ii) consider the ramifications of resubscribing a contact without their consent.
TIP: Refer to Prepare your upload file, above, for important file-prep and file-type notes.
This upload process resubscribes all email addresses in the upload file.
- Navigate to Contacts > Upload > Resubscribes.
- Choose your upload method:
- Select I have a file to upload a file. Select Choose File, and then select the file.
- Select I just want to enter the information to upload a list of email addresses (enter one per line). If you're uploading anything besides email addresses we recommend using the Upload a file method. Also, if you want to include additional data fields with email addresses, the following delimiters are accepted: "|", "~", "," and y.
- Click Upload.
A message confirms that your resubscribers are being uploaded. You'll receive a confirmation email when your upload is complete. Click Click Here to view the results in your Upload History (view by navigating to Contacts > Upload > History).
Contact self-manage resubscribe
In keeping with Higher Logic's commitment to permissions-based sending practices, contacts can self-manage their unsubscribe and resubscribe preferences.
- Contacts who want to resubscribe to some of your mailings can use the Unsubscribe link in the mailing through which they originally unsubscribed (if the contact still has that message).
- The contact is directed to a form and can select the Modify option.
NOTE: This is the only self-management option for resubscribing. If a contact no longer has the original mailing, they have to request the resubscribe by whatever process is in place in your account.