The Mailings Publish History report provides a historical record of easy-to-read high-level metrics for the mailings in your account that have been published.
To access this report:
- Access the Admin interface.
- Navigate to Messages > Reports > Messages Publish History.
The table lists your account's messages and high-level metrics for each message.
- Mailing - the name of the message.
- Name - the name of the user who created the message.
- Activity - the latest activity associated to the message.
- Activity Date - the date of the latest activity.
Report actions
By default, the report data displays in chronological order (newest to oldest) based on the data in the Activity Date column.
- Click the column header to reverse the sort order (i.e., oldest to newest).
- Click any other column header to sort on that column (A–Z), and click the same header again to reverse its sort order (Z–A).
To export the report:
- Click the Export button above the list.
- In the overlay dialog, click Download Excel File.
The report will be available from your browser's "download" function.