After you've put together all the pieces of a transactional message, it's time to send it.
However, before doing so, it's a good idea to do a final review. Always make sure that you have all the pieces of your transactional message in place before sending.
- Create a Transactional Message
- Transactional Message Templates
- Understand Transactional Messages or SQL View; also see iMIS Transactional Mailings Formats
- Attachment Template (optional)
TIP: After confirming that you've got all the pieces in place, test your message before sending it.
If everything is in place and you've tested the message, you're ready to go.
Access your transactional messages
- Navigate to Messages > Transactional > List.
- Hover over the menu icon for the message and select Publish. You'll have two options:
- Send Now - Send the message immediately
- Schedule/Options - Schedule the message (iMIS only)
Send Now
When you select Send Now, the Publish to Subscribers page opens. Here, you can send your message immediately. The system identifies the Invoice and Target Group and indicates whether the message has been published before.
Click Yes to send your message. You'll receive a confirmation.
When you select Schedule/Options, the Mailing Scheduling/Publishing Options page opens. Here, you'll have several options for your transactional message. Note the following nuances:
- If you're using a recipient data file, you'll only have the schedule option to Send Once (the data file provides the recipients for the transactional message).
- If you're using an iMIS SQL view, you'll have the options to send a recurring message (Send Daily or Weekly or Send Monthly).
- Schedule Options - Select to schedule once, daily, weekly, or monthly.
- Test Schedule - Schedule a test message.
- Send Time Optimization - Send the message when contacts historically open their messages.
- Mailing Reuse - Send to contacts who have never received the message. This prevents a contact from receiving the message multiple times.
- Recency and Frequency Rules - Apply recency and frequency rules to the message.
- Additional Recipients - Add a test group to receive the message.
- Text Only? - Opt to send the message as a text-only message.
Click Update to schedule your message with your selected options.