The Mailings Per Month report provides easy-to-read high-level metrics, by month, for the months during which mailings were sent from your account.
NOTE: This report does not offer an export or download option.
To access this report:
- Access the Admin interface.
- Navigate to Messages > Reports > Messages Per Month.
For each month during which at least one mailing was sent from your account, the table lists the number of:
- Test email messages that were sent;
- email messages that were Published;
- Send-to-Friend (deprecated; refer to the NOTE below the image);
- email messages that were sent as the result of being Triggered (see Create and Manage Triggered Messages); and
- email messages sent during that month.
NOTE: As of December, 2019, Higher Logic no longer offers or supports the Send-to-Friend feature because it inherently presents a possible GDPR-compliance risk to customers. See our Product Manager's Update post for additional details.