As you add Speakers to your event track, Event Engagement makes it easy for you to promote them so that event registrants can get a preview of who will be presenting and on what topics. Event Engagement offers a page, KEYNOTES, that is dedicated to your speakers and which you can populate with session details, session summary, and a brief speaker bio.
The KEYNOTES page is a pre-designed template that neatly and effectively organizes the information.
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Keynotes page
To access the Keynotes page, navigate to Speakers > Keynotes in your site's top navigation.
NOTE: To learn how to manage the contents of this page, click Customize your Keynotes page in the topics list on the right side of this page.
Each keynote "block" has several sections that you can customize.
- Photo - Insert a photograph of the speaker.
- Social - Customize the social links to direct visitors to your social-site page.
- Title - Specify the title of the session that the speaker will lead.
- Details - Specify the speaker's name, the session details, and the session date.
- Summary - There are two sections that you can completely customize with session-specific information. Use these sections to provide, for example, a summary of the session (such as the topic and whether it'll be open to questions) and a few personal details about the speaker (such as qualifications, education). These section titles and text are customizable.
Customize your Keynotes page
The Keynote page has a few pre-populated Speaker blocks ready for your customizations. You can customize the page by editing the placeholder text in the blocks.
TIP: It's a good idea to periodically save your changes. Clicking Save will close the editor; just re-open it and continue working.
To customize a speak block, click its edit icon at the top right:
TIP: Click the Fullscreen icon (four arrows pointing out from the center) to enlarge the editor. Click the icon again to restore the original editor size.
Use the Editing keynote speakers WYSIWYG editor to customize the content for each Speaker and session.
- Photo - Click to select the picture, followed by the Insert/edit image button in the toolbar. Click the folder icon to display the Image Uploader. Navigate to and select a stored image -- or click Upload, navigate to, and choose a picture. Click Ok to insert the image.
You can also specify an image description and title.
NOTE: The recommended image width is 320px; the height is less specific but should be proportionate.
- Social Links - Click a social icon to select it, followed by the Insert/edit link button in the toolbar. Then, enter the URL for social-site page, and click Ok.
You can also specify hover-over text and a title. Leave the Target default of New window. - Details - Select the text of the placeholder items in the details row and replace them with the details of the session. Do not delete the icons.
- Titles and Text Fields - Triple left-click each of these (to select the entire chunk of text) and replace the placeholder text with content that is relevant to the session.
Use the text-formatting options (bold, italic, font and size) in the toolbar to customize your text, such as adding your organization's colors.
NOTE: The title fields are not case-sensitive; each will default to uppercase on the Keynotes page.
- Repeat this process for the other Keynote blocks.
- Click Save at the bottom of the dialog.
Your changes are saved and instantly display on the page.
Add & remove Keynote blocks
Several Keynote blocks are provided, by default, but you can easily add or remove blocks to suit your specific needs. This is accomplished using Page Designer, so let's learn how.
Begin by accessing Page Designer so you can edit this page:
- In the Admin Toolbar, click Edit Page.
Add a Keynote block
Adding a Keynote block is accomplished by simply duplicating one of your existing ones. Essentially, an existing block serves as a "template" that keeps all the important formatting and layout, allowing you to simply update the applicable information.
- Click to select the Keynote block you'd like to use as a "template."
- Click the Duplicate button at the top left.
A new Keynote block is inserted below the "template" you can now customize.
Remove a Keynote block
- Click to select the Keynote block you'd like to remove.
- Click the Delete button at the top left.
- Click Delete in the confirmation pop-up.