In Event Engagement, live sessions are keynote and breakout sessions the organization is hosting on their third-party platform, such as Zoom and GoToWebinar. A live session home page provides the dial-in and/or login instructions for you to attend, and you can download a .ics file to add the session to your personal calendar to keep you apprised of your session schedule.
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Register for a Live Session
Live session overview
There are two live sessions types, with the main difference being whether it includes a formal registration process or not.
No registration
The home page for this type simply provides the session's description, all relevant attendance and contact information, and a button to download a calendar placeholder to your personal email platform.
Formal registration
The home page for this type is the same, except it includes an additional button (highlighted below) you'll need to click to formally register for the session; this is also likely how you'll get the login and/or dial-in instructions to attend.
Click REGISTER NOW to navigate to an external registration form you can complete to attend the session.
Where to view your live sessions
Let's look at the two ways you can view your event's live sessions.
Full conference schedule
The upcoming live sessions for ALL tracks are listed on the CONFERENCE SCHEDULE tab, located in your top navigation.
View a specific track's live sessions
While the full conference is great to quickly see all of your event's live sessions, you can also easily view only the sessions associated to a specific track.
To do so, navigate to Tracks > All Tracks in the top navigation and click a track title to view its home page.
TIP: If there are a lot of tracks, use the menus above the list to filter the tracks to make searching easier.
From there, the track's live sessions are listed on the LIVE SESSION SCHEDULE tab.