This document facilitates removing a subscriber from an interest or interests.
<ActionRequest xmlns=""> <Brand id="0"></Brand> <User></User> <Actions> <Optout> <InterestNames> <InterestName>Sample Interest 1</InterestName> <InterestName>Sample Interest 2</InterestName> </InterestNames> <Subscribers> <Subscriber> <Email></Email> <ID>8462</ID> </Subscriber> <Subscriber> <Email></Email> <ID>384</ID> </Subscriber> <Subscriber> <Email></Email> <ID>6324</ID> </Subscriber> </Subscribers> </Optout> </Actions> </ActionRequest>
- The <InterestName> is required. An error results if it is omitted.
- All <InterestName> values must exist in Informz in order for the document to process.
- At least one <Email> is required. An error results if none are included.
- Malformed email addresses will be ignored. The total count reported will include these as having been processed.
- If an email address is not found in the interest, it will be reported as having been processed; it it not identified as an error.