There are several registrant-based reports you can run to understand the registration aspect of your events. To access these reports:
- Access the Admin interface.
- Navigate to Events > Reports.
TIP: The resulting page lists all of your events, along with a Search field to make it easy to find them.
- Select an event in the list and click Track.
On the resulting page, the various registrant reports are available in the section highlighted below. Each report is discussed in its associated section below.
Registrant List
This report displays a full list of Registrants, including name, date, Item, and amount.
Registrant Details
This report lists all Registrants who have signed up for an Item.
- Click the Details and History icons to access more information for each registrant.
- Click the Go button for a Registrant to re-send the confirmation email.
Registration Summary by Individual Paid Item
This report lists your Paid Items and a Registrant count for each.
Cancelled Items by Registrant
This report lists all Items that have been cancelled and the name of the Registrant who cancelled.
Registration Submission Date Report
This report displays a graph of Registrations by date.
Edit Registrant Submission
After a registrant signs up, you can modify their submission. For example, you have a conference and provide the option for a registrant to choose which session to attend. That registrant might contact you and ask to switch sessions.
Select the registrant and then click Edit Registration. This opens a new window and displays the sign-up form with the registrant selections. You can modify the selections by going through the registration process.
NOTE: You cannot edit paid items that have a dollar value greater than zero.