There are several financial-based reports you can run to understand the financial aspect of your events. To access these reports:
- Access the Admin interface.
- Navigate to Events > Reports.
TIP: The resulting page lists all of your events, along with a Search field to make it easy to find them.
- Select an event in the list and click Track.
On the resulting page, the various financial reports are available in the section highlighted below. Each report is discussed in its associated section below.
Balance Due
For paid items, you can provision the event to accept credit card and check payments.
NOTE: Registrants who opt to pay by check are registered for the event but, as payment has not yet been made, the registrant has a balance due.
This report shows the total amount collected for the event and what percentage is still balance due.
The balance due report provides a total amount. It also displays each registrant's balance due amount. Adjacent to the registrant's name, Apply Payment allows you to reduce the balance due amount by the full amount or any portion thereof.
NOTE: Higher Logic does not process check payments. We provide a mechanism for you to track transactions.
There are three options:
Pay by Check/PO
Scenario: Registrant signs up for an event that costs $100. He then mails in a check for $100. You can record this transaction by filling out the fields:
- Date Received
- Check/PO Date
- Check/PO Number
- Check/PO Amount
- Name of Bank
When you submit, this registrant will no longer have a balance due and the overall balance due of the event will have been reduced by $100.
Pay by Credit Card
Scenario: Registrant signs up for an event that costs $135. He then decides to pay for the event by credit card. You will need the following credit card details.
- Name as it appears on card
- Credit Card Type
- Credit Card Number
- Credit Card Identification Number
- Credit Card Expiration Date
- Payment Amount
When you submit, this registrant will no longer have a balance due and the overall balance due of the event will have been reduced by $135.
Reduce Balance
Scenario: Registrant signs up for an event that costs $135. You want to offer a discount on the full amount of the event.
You can enter the amount by which you want to reduce the balance due and there is an option field for remarks.
When you submit, this registrant will no longer have a balance due and the overall balance due of the event will have been reduced by $135.
Credit Applied
See all registrants who have received a credit, along with a chart breakdown of credit versus revenue.
Apply Credit
This provides the ability to credit a registrant the full amount or a portion of the amount of their registration fee.
Payment Applied
This report lists each registrant and which payments have been applied.
Cancel Item
You can access this function from the Apply Credit report. Click a Cancel Item link and you will be prompted with a window asking you to confirm that you do want to cancel. When you click OK, that registrant will no longer be registered for that item.
NOTE: Apply Credit and Cancel Item are related but there is no dependency. You can apply credit to an item without canceling it AND you can cancel an item without applying a credit to it.