Higher Logic has created a JSON Web Token (JWT) control (Common:Jwt:LinkOrButton) that allows a URL to be called with information securely passed in a token. Higher Logic uses a signed token that can verify the integrity of the claims that are contained within it. The JWT and the contained data:
- are not encrypted,
- are base64 encoded, and
- are signed using HmacSha256.
This can be used in a variety of ways to pass information about the logged-in user from Higher Logic to a third-party application. The token that is appended asserts the following claims:
- ContactKey - the ID of the user in Higher Logic
- LegacyContactKey - the ID of the user in the integrated CRM/AMS database
- TenantCode - the customer's tenant ID
- FirstName - the first name of the logged-in user
- LastName - the last name of the logged-in user
- EmailAddress - the email address of the logged-in user
- CommunityKey - the ID of the related community (included only if the logged-in user is coming from a community within a tenant)
Other static claims can be passed with the parameters of the control.
IMPORTANT: Starting in 2020, the Jwt:LinkOrButton control is only available to Higher Logic staff. If you want to use this functionality, create a case with Higher Logic Support with:
- the name of the page (or pagecode) this control should be added to,
- the control's location on that page, and
- what the control's parameters should be.
Available parameters
- RedirectUrl (required) - The destination URL of the third-party application.
NOTE: The equals sign ( = ) cannot be used in the URL. If you have to pass values, use the ExtendedClaimsJson parameter.
- ProductId - A site admin can add this directly to the control without the query string parameter.
- IncludeProductId (default = FALSE) - When set to TRUE and the ProductId is in the query string, the value will be used either on claims or as part of the RedirectUrl (UseProductIdInUrlPath=TRUE).
- UseProductIdInUrlPath (default = FALSE) - When set to TRUE and "IncludeProductId" is set to TRUE and the ProductId is in the query string, the value will be added as part of the RedirectUrl.
- AutoRedirect (default = FALSE) - When set to TRUE, automatically redirects to the page with the token. To use this control within a community to pass user information to a party, create a new hidden page in the Higher Logic CMS.
- SecretName (required) - This value is stored in the Higher Logic Thrive Community (Thrive Community) site's configuration table as a parameter with a prefix of "jwt_". The parameter is a secret (with the HMAC algorithm) used to sign the JWT.
NOTE: Use our JWT key generator to generate a secret key. The name should be associated with the vendor company or application.
- ExpireMinutes (default = 20) - The number of minutes for which the JWT is valid.
- ExtendedClaimsJson - A string of additional static values that can be passed as claims in the JWT. For example "[{'Name':'gid','Value':'200'},{'Name':'rid','Value':'524'}]"
- IsButton (default = FALSE) - TRUE if the control is to be a button; FALSE if it is a link.
- Text - The text to be displayed in the link or on the button.
- ButtonBootstrapClass (default = "btn-default") - Text field to define the CSS class of the button to be displayed.
- Target (default = "_self") - The target attribute of the link or button (e.g., "_blank", "_top")
Let's take a look at the Common:Jwt:LinkOrButton control with the following parameters:
- RedirectUrl=https://hlqatestb.connectedcommunity.org/ross-test
- SecretName="jwt_marketingautomation"
- Text="Local Test"
- IncludeProductId="True"
- UseProductIdInUrlPath="True"
- AutoRedirect="False"
- ProductId="consume-jwt"
- ExtendedClaimsJson="[{'Name':'Ross','Value':'Boss'}]"
Using the parameters above would render on the page with the text “Local Test” as a hyperlink that points to:
Note that the ProductID, consume-jwt, is included in the path of the URL, per the IncludeProductId and UseProductIdInUrlPath parameters. The payload data contains:
"ContactKey": "7f2de571-92e8-49b0-ba12-27413bf99c95",
"LegacyContactKey": "HL0",
"FirstName": "SuperMan",
"LastName": "WasHere",
"EmailAddress": "system@higherlogic.org",
"TenantCode": "B",
"Ross": "Boss",
"ProductId": "consume-jwt",
"nbf": 1520961031,
"exp": 1520962231,
"iat": 1520961031
The extended claims for "Ross": "Boss" is also included in the JWT. This data set can be used to validate the current user and make subsequent API calls to get more information about the user.