You can implement a two-click unsubscribe process for messages sent from your account. This option is available in all accounts.
Use case
By default, Contacts can unsubscribe from messages with a single click: clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of a message immediately unsubscribes them with no confirmation. In some cases, spam filters will attempt to visit the unsubscribe link before the recipient has a chance to view the message, resulting in two issues:
- Inadvertent unsubscribes
- Erroneous click metrics
With two-click unsubscribe enabled for your account, when a Contact clicks the unsubscribe link, they are presented with a confirmation of the action and, if confirmed, they are unsubscribed.
- A Contact receives a message and clicks the unsubscribe link.
- A confirmation page displays the unsubscribe details. The Contact must click the Unsubscribe button to confirm the action. This additional step blocks spam filters from causing the issues previously mentioned.