The Netforum Enterprise XML integration with Higher Logic Thrive Community (Thrive Community) is built on a system of stored procedures and views that are installed on your Netforum SQL database. Higher Logic calls Netforum's web service to directly execute the stored procedures and views. The data that is returned creates all the relevant Higher Logic objects, such as communities, demographics, security groups, calendar events, and user profiles.
Stored procedures and Views
The stored procedure's main goal is to be executed from the web service.
The view is responsible for capturing the information and creating the schema.
NOTE: Some stored procedures might simply be used for calling the view and reflecting the same schema.
This document explains the various stored procedures and the corresponding views, including the specific schema that must be followed for the data to come through correctly.
WARNING: Before you modify any stored procedures or views, consider that modifying them will have immediate results on the integration. Be careful and test before altering them.
Higher Logic services
Three Higher Logic services are included with the Netforum Enterprise XML integration:
Periodic Refresh - an automatic job that runs every 30 minutes to identify users who have changed some field that Higher Logic is reading from Netforum.
- Stored procedure: HigherLogic_GetChangedMembers
Member Refresh - a full data pull from Netforum that updates the users' Higher Logic objects (communities, security groups, custom demographics, profile information).
- Stored procedure: HigherLogic_GetMemberInfo
Events Refresh - an automatic job that runs at the beginning of the Member Refresh. It handles the schema of events and the criteria for syncing events (a combination of the periodic and member refresh).t
- Stored procedure: HigherLogic_GetChangedMeetings
Integration notes
AMS requirements - Along with being Netforum Enterprise, Higher Logic needs the X-Web Link and the E-Web Link. The Integration Analyst assigned to your case should be granted SQLAdmin access.
Establishing a connection to Netforum - The integration with Netforum is what Higher Logic defines as a SQL-based integration. The scope and location of data is explicitly contained within SQL views and stored procedures that are installed on the Netforum database. To establish a connection to the SQL views and stored procedures, Higher Logic uses Netforum's web service, XWeb. The web service offers the ExecuteMethod method to directly call a specific stored procedure by name in a Netforum database.
To connect to the Data Services API, Higher Logic requires:
XWeb Data Services URL | The endpoint that specifies the web service. This is the X-Web link for Netforum and frequently follows this pattern: "https://[domain]/xweb/secure/netFORUMXML.asmx" |
Netforum Username | The user name of an account that has permissions to make calls to the Data Services API. |
Netforum Password | The password that is associated with the above Netforum account user name. |
Member Refresh
Member Refresh is responsible for pulling the user information and all the various mappings to each Higher Logic data object. These mappings can be the memberships to security groups, memberships to communities, additional custom demographics, etc. The logic is in the stored procedure HigherLogic_GetMemberInfo, which will execute all the other stored procedures for the different Higher Logic objects and should not be changed.
User base information
Base information for a user includes first name, last name, phone numbers, and other data. This information comes from the "HigherLogic_MemberDetails" view which is accessed via the "HigherLogic_GetMemberInfo" stored procedure. The logic provided can be modified, but the schema must remain the same.
Field | netFORUM | Higher Logic |
MemberKey | Pulled from the co_customer table, cust.cst_key | The unique identifier of the user, this value is the most important as it serves as the mapping between Higher Logic and Netforum. |
BIRTHDAY | Not implemented by default | The birthday of the user. |
AGE | Not implemented by default | The age of the user. |
MEMBERSINCE | Not implemented by default | The date the user joined the organization. |
MEMBEREXPIRESON | Not implemented by default | The date the current membership expires. |
DESIGNATION | Pulled from co_individual table, ind_designation | A designation or credential included in the user's name. |
EMAILADDRESS | Pulled from co_customer table, cst_eml_address_dn | The primary email address of the user. |
PREFIXCODE | Pulled from co_individual table, ind_prf_code | A name prefix (Mr., Ms., Dr.) |
FIRSTNAME | Pulled from co_individual table, ind_first_name | The user's first name |
MIDDLENAME | Pulled from co_individual table, ind_mid_name | The user's middle name |
LASTNAME | Pulled from co_individual table, ind_last_name | The user's last name |
INFORMALNAME | Pulled from co_individual table, ind_badge_name | An informal or nickname for the user |
GENDER | Pulled from co_individual table, ind_first_name | Gender of the user |
ETHNICITY | Pulled from co_individual table, ind_gender | Ethnicity of the user |
SUFFIXCODE | Pulled from co_individual table, ind_sfx_code | A name suffix (Jr., Sr.) |
COMPANYNAME | Pulled from co_customer table, cst_org_name_dn | A company name or employer (this is required for organization accounts) |
TITLE | Pulled from co_customer table, cst_ixo_title_dn | A job title for the user |
PARENTMEMBERKEY | Pulled from co_organization employer table, org_cst_key | A unique identifier for the parent company or organization |
EXCLUDEFROMDIRECTORY | Standard response is 0 custom logic to exclude | A flag that indicates if Higher Logic should show this record in directory searches. Also known as AMS directory opt out (True or False). |
DONOTEMAIL | Pulled from co_customer table, cst_no_email_flag | Allow users to opt out of all Higher Logic emails (True or False). |
ISACTIVE | Pulled from both co_customer and co_individual table, the cst_delete_flag and ind_deceased_flag | Is an active record (True or False). |
ISORGANIZATION | Flag based on the co_organization table, org_cst_key field. | Is a company or organization record (True or False). |
MEMBERID | Same as the Member Key, sometimes cst_oldid | A secondary unique identifier that is used if available. |
BIO | Not implemented by default | The text of a user's biography; HTML allowed. |
WEBSITEURL | Pulled from the co_customer table, cst_url_code_dn | Full website URL |
PHONE1 | Pulled from the co_customer table, cst.phn_number_complete_dn | A phone number |
Phone1Type | Primary | Type of phone number that the number relates to |
PHONE2 | Not implemented by default | A phone number |
Phone2Type | Not implemented by default | Type of phone number that the number relates to |
PHONE3 | Not implemented by default | A phone number |
Phone3Type | Not implemented by default | Type of phone number that the number relates to |
PHONE4 | Not implemented by default | A phone number |
Phone4Type | Not implemented by default | Type of phone number that the number relates to |
ADDRESS1 | Pulled from the co_address table, adr_line1 | Address line 1 |
ADDRESS2 | Pulled from the co_address table, adr_line2 | Address line 2 |
ADDRESS3 | Pulled from the co_address table, adr_line3 | Address line 3 |
CITY | Pulled from the co_address table, adr_city | City |
STATE | Pulled from the co_address table, either adr_state or if that is null adr_intl_province | State |
POSTALCODE | Pulled from the co_address table, adr_post_code | Postal code |
COUNTRY | Pulled from the co_address table, adr_country | Country |
PROFILEIMAGEURL | Not implemented by default | A publicly accessible URL to the user's profile picture. Images resized to 200x200. |
YOUTUBEURL | Not implemented by default | Full URL of a YouTube profile |
FACEBOOKURL | Not implemented by default | Full URL of a Facebook profile |
TWITTERURL | Not implemented by default | Full URL of a Twitter profile |
LINKEDINURL | Not implemented by default | Full URL of a LinkedIn profile |
BLOGGERURL | Not implemented by default | Full URL of a Blogger site |
WORDPRESSURL | Not implemented by default | Full URL of a WordPress site |
OTHERBLOGURL | Not implemented by default | Full URL of another web site |
NOTE: For Company records, if the NetforumNoCompanyData configuration = TRUE, only CompanyName data will be integrated. If an issue arises where the Company information is not syncing, this is the likely cause. Also, Company information cannot be managed in Higher Logic because users are not able to login as company records in our Communities.
Community memberships
Communities are created through user memberships. Each row that is returned from this view, "HigherLogic_MemberCommunityGroups", maps a user to a community in the Thrive Community site. Results from this view can range from a single community to various communities based on a specific community type. The view that is provided by default contains two blocks of SQL logic that will create two types of communities: committees and events. These have been tested and used with various clients but can be modified. To add customized community group logic, the schema below must be followed to create the memberships and appended to the view.
Field | Role for Integration Communities + Notes |
MemberKey | [REQUIRED] The primary identifier used to map an integrated user to an integrated community. |
SINCEDATE | A date field that can come over via the integration |
BEGINDATE | The starting date for the membership. The integration needs to make sure the date range being returned is valid. If the begin date is set in the future, the membership will not count. If the begin date is empty, the integration will treat it as the earliest date in SQL time (January 1st, 1753) |
ENDDATE | The ending date for the membership. The integration needs to be made sure the date range being returned is valid. If the end date is set in the past, the membership will not count. If the end date is empty, the integration will treat it as having the latest date. |
GROUPKEY | [REQUIRED] The unique identifier that Higher Logic will use to link the community to NetForum. |
GROUPNAME | [REQUIRED] The long name that Higher Logic will display for the community name. |
GROUPTYPE | The community type that will be associated with this community. The community type needs to be created on Higher Logic for this to show up and start syncing. By default, any community will come over as a "Hidden Community" type. |
GROUPSUBTYPE | Not applicable; leave NULL. |
ROLEKEY | The mapping for an integrated role for a member in an integrated community. |
ROLEDESCRIPTION | The long form description for an integrated role for a member in an integrated community. |
MODDATE | [REQUIRED] The datetime field that drives the periodic refresh for Higher Logic |
For example, assume a test user with a Netforum User with a MemberKey of 00000001 and the date is 01/01/2019.
SELECT * FROM HigherLogic_memberCommunityGroups WHERE MemberKey = '00000001'
Running the SQL query above will display all communities that member 0000001 belongs to. Here's an example output with some edge cases to check for. For any columns that are left out, those are assumed to be NULL or are not relevant in this example.
MemberKey |
BeginDate |
EndDate |
GroupKey |
GroupName |
GroupType |
00000001 |
12/01/2018 |
01/10/2019 |
Test Community 1 |
00000001 |
01/10/2019 |
01/20/2019 |
Test Community 2 |
00000001 |
12/01/2018 |
12/10/2018 |
Test Chapter |
User 0000001 is going to be in only one Thrive Community. When data is returned to Higher Logic, the data is filtered out so invalid date ranges are caught and removed. The memberships to "Test Community 2" and "Test Chapter" will not show up on the Higher Logic site because the BeginDate datetime is in the future or the EndDate is in the past. The first membership is valid so this user will show up under the roster of the AMS community called "Test Community 1" with a unique identifier of "TEST-COMM" for 9 days.
Security Group memberships
Security Group memberships are similar to the community memberships. Each row that is returned from this view, "HigherLogic_MemberSecurityGroups", maps a user to a security group in Higher Logic. Results from this view can range from a single security group to various security groups based on the implementation. These have been tested and used with various clients but can be modified. For adding customized security group logic, the schema below must be followed to create the memberships and appended to the view.
Field | Role for Integration Communities + Notes |
MemberKey | [REQUIRED] The primary identifier used to map an integrated user to an integrated security group. |
SINCEDATE | A date field that can come over via the integration |
BEGINDATE | The starting date for the membership. The integration needs to make sure the date range being returned is valid. If the begin date is set in the future, the membership will not count. If the begin date is empty, the integration will treat it as the earliest date in SQL time (January 1st, 1753) |
ENDDATE | The ending date for the membership. The integration needs to be made sure the date range being returned is valid. If the end date is set in the past, the membership will not count. If the end date is empty, the integration will treat it as having the latest date. |
GROUPKEY | [REQUIRED] The unique identifier that Higher Logic will use to link the security group back to Netforum. |
GROUPNAME | [REQUIRED] The long name that Higher Logic will display for the security group. |
GROUPTYPE | Not applicable; leave NULL. |
GROUPSUBTYPE | Not applicable; leave NULL. |
ROLEKEY | Not applicable; leave NULL. |
ROLEDESCRIPTION | Not applicable; leave NULL. |
MODDATE | [REQUIRED] The datetime field that drives the periodic refresh for Higher Logic |
The integration filters for invalid date ranges when applying security group memberships. The SQL query is:
SELECT * FROM HigherLogic_MemberSecurityGroups WHERE MemberKey = '00000001'
Custom demographics
The integration treats demographics similarly to communities and security groups. Each row that is returned from this view, "HigherLogic_CustomDemographics", maps a user to a custom demographic in Higher Logic. Results from this view can range from a single demographic to various demographics with different demographic categories based on the implementation. The view that is provided by default contains logic for building custom demographics from Netforum's demographics SQL table. These have been tested and used with various clients but can be modified. For adding customized demographic logic, the schema below must be followed to create the memberships and appended to the view.
NOTE: All of the following fields are required.
Field | Role for Integration Communities + Notes |
MemberKey | The primary identifier used to map an integrated user to an integrated custom demographic. |
DEMOGRAPHICKEY | The unique identifier used for a demographic value. This would be considered a demographic choice for a picklist. However, this is not necessary for freeform demographics. |
DEMOGRAPHICVALUE | This is the full name used on the Higher Logic site for the demographic choice if picklist or value if freeform. |
DEMOGRAPHICTYPEKEY | This is the unique identifier for the demographic category that will come over via the integration. |
DEMOGRAPHICTYPEVALUE | This is the full name used on the Higher Logic platform for a demographic category. |
ISFREEFORM | The flag to determine if the demographic is considered a freeform on the Higher Logic side. |
ISACTIVE | The flag to determine if the demographic should be active in the integration. This value must return 1 for it to be visible to Higher Logic. |
MODDATE | The datetime field that drives the periodic refresh for Higher Logic |
SELECT * FROM HigherLogic_CustomDemographics WHERE MasterCustomerId = '00000001'
The same example used in the community memberships section will be used here. Running the SQL query above will display all demographics that member 0000001 is a part of. Here's an example output with some edge cases and explanation. For any columns that are left out, those are assumed to be NULL or are not relevant in this example.
MemberKey |
00000001 |
Monsters University |
College Name |
1 |
1 |
00000001 |
Red |
Favorite Color |
0 |
1 |
00000001 |
Bachelors |
Degrees Held |
0 |
1 |
00000001 |
Masters |
Degrees Held |
0 |
1 |
From this output table, Member 0000001 will have:
- "Monsters University" as the value returned for the "College Name" demographic type.
- the choice of "Red" for the "Favorite Color" demographic type.
- a multi-pick with two choices selected, "Bachelors" and "Masters" for the "Degrees Held" demographic type.
Periodic Refresh
Every 30 minutes, Higher Logic calls the stored procedure "HigherLogic_GetChangedMembers" to return a list of changed users. Every view has a ModDate field which will determine if a user requires an update on the Higher Logic side. Higher Logic sends over a date time of the last successful periodic refresh for the stored procedure to use which will query through all the views and compare all the ModDates for users that are being returned. If a user's ModDate matches the criteria, that user will be included in the list that comes back to Higher Logic.
Each view needs to have ModDate logic associated with each custom community, security group, or demographic. A general format would be like the example SQL below:
Higher Logic needs to account for when a membership has been modified which is reflected in the ChangeDate. The AddDate is for when a user gets added to the community/security group, gets assigned a demographic, or is created.
Events Refresh
Events Refresh encompasses the Periodic Refresh and the Member Refresh in one service catered to calendar events.
Event data pull
The schema for what is pulled in a single event is in the events view, "USR_HL_MEETINGS_VW". This view is typically not modified.
Field | Role for Integration Communities + Notes |
MEETINGID | [REQUIRED] The unique identifier that represents a mapping to an AMS-integrated event. |
TITLE | [REQUIRED] The long title used to display the event name on Higher Logic |
SHORTTITLE | The short form title used in some compact views for events on Higher Logic |
TYPE | A category field that can be created/assigned to events. This field can also be used to limit certain events from coming over via the integration. |
BEGINDATE | The starting date for the event |
ENDDATE | [REQUIRED] The end date for the event. The integration will check if the date is set in the future before pulling it in. |
TIMEZONECODE | This field identifies what time zone the event will be in when imported to Higher Logic. |
ISACTIVE | [REQUIRED] The active flag that determines if this event should be imported to Higher Logic. |
ADDRESS1 | The Address1 field for the address associated with the event. |
ADDRESS2 | The Address2 field for the address associated with the event. |
ADDRESS3 | The Address3 field for the address associated with the event. |
CITY | The city for the address associated with the event. |
STATE | The state for the address associated with the event. |
POSTALCODE | The postal code for the address associated with the event. |
COUNTRY | The country for the address associated with the event. |
ADDRESSMODDATE | [REQUIRED] A field that drives the periodic refresh. This is an additional field that can determine if a user requires a change. |
MODDATE | [REQUIRED] A field that drives the periodic refresh |
Event sync
On a daily schedule, Higher Logic sends a timestamp to the Netforum API calling the stored procedure, "HigherLogic_GetChangedMeetings" to return a list of events that have been added or modified since the last successful events refresh call. The two fields mentioned in the previous schema, AddressModDate and ModDate, identify three important tables within Netforum where an event could have updated their information. The logic checks for a creation date and/or a modified date within Netforum to cover any case where an event can be created or updated.
Single Sign-on
Higher Logic uses Netforum's separate login-focused web service (eWeb) to create an integrated sign-on experience.
Installation requirements
SSO Web Service URL - The following URL is the link that users will use to enter in credentials and initiate the sign in process.
Extracting the Unique Identifier
User clicks the Sign in button on their Thrive Community site.
Higher Logic redirects to EWeb Login.
On successful login, Netforum returns an encrypted customer token for user log in.
Higher Logic uses xWeb to verify the token using Authenticate method.
Authenticate method returns related resources needed for authentication.
User clicks the Sign in button on their Thrive Community site.
Higher Logic uses both the eWeb and xWeb to trade the SSOToken into confirmation of a valid memberId so a member can gain access to Higher Logic.
MemberCentric/API authentication
For using the mobile application and the Thrive Community API, the Netforum integration supports an alternate way of authentication, using the services already provided by the Netforum xWeb service.
Using the WebLogin method, a token is retrieved and then Higher Logic validates using the same flow as eWeb SSO to authenticate the current user.
Activity Sync
Activity sync is a writeback feature that Higher Logic offers. This feature allows you to document activities that happen in Higher Logic to your Netforum database. This works the same way as the other services that use the xWeb web service. For each activity, Higher Logic sends activity information using the xWeb method InsertCustomerAction. During installation, Higher Logic will insert into the Netforum database a number of Guids that relate to the corresponding activities so that when the InsertCustomerAction method gets called, Activity type mapping is already present.
FAQs and common issues and solutions
What if we are currently using Netforum Enterprise without the XML solution, what happens to the integration?
If you are still on the NetForum Enterprise solution, Higher Logic will continue its services to keep the integration working. However, support will be limited and if any problems come up, there is no guarantee that Higher Logic will solve the problem. The best course of action would be to move to the NetForum Enterprise XML solution.
We are upgrading Netforum instances. How does that affect our Higher Logic integration?
Your current site will no longer work with the older integration. To continue using the benefits of the Higher Logic integration services, you must migrate the views and stored procedures which will incur a cost of an AMS migration. Create a case with Higher Logic Support if something like this happens to get more information on process, cost, and implementation.
We are unsure/do not know if the installed stored procedures are the optimized versions. How can we make sure that we are using the correct versions?
Create a case with Higher Logic Support regarding this matter. Support will send versions of the optimized stored procedures so you can check on your database. If there are any additional customized logic, add them to the optimized versions and test the outputs of both versions.
Member Refresh
This user is not in this demographic, community, security group, etc.
Navigate to the sections under Member Refresh. Depending on which data object that the user is not a part of, running the view and looking at the logic will provide more insight. Make sure that any begin dates or end dates are in a valid date range.
Periodic Refresh
A user was added to a demographic, community, security group, etc. The Periodic Refresh did not pick up this user and their information is outdated.
The logic for determining if a user has updated any integrated fields with Higher Logic is contained in each SQL view. Make sure that logic is correctly picking up the right dates and is coinciding with the Periodic Refresh service.
The SQL is returning the right information, but the service is still not picking up the users.
One reason can be a time zone difference. Create a case with Higher Logic Support to confirm that the time zones are being accounted for.
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Invalid Security Credentials at Avectra.netForum.xWeb.xWebSecure.netForumXMLSecure.ExecuteMethod
The NetforumEnterpriseXMLIntegrationSetupSQLScript.sql install script has not been run on the database being queried.
Events Refresh
An event is not coming over from Netforum into Higher Logic.
Make sure that events are enabled to come over via the integration. This option can be turned off, so create a case with Higher Logic Support to check whether it's enabled.
Make sure that the event has a valid end date. Navigate to the Events Refresh section to see which view contains that information.
The integration can be configured to only allow certain events into the platform with a certain event type. Create a case with Higher Logic Support to confirm which event types are being allowlisted.
Single Sign-on
A user that should have access is seeing a disabled account/insufficient privileges page.
Make sure that this user is returning with the correct information in the stored procedures for the Member Refresh. If the Higher Logic site has been set to limit access based on specific member types, check the Security Groups view and make sure this user has access to the allowlisted security groups.
A user tries to sign in to Higher Logic. The page redirects to the Netforum sign in page. When it redirects back, I am still not logged in.
This can be due to many factors:
- Make sure that there is no service outage on Netforum side. If Higher Logic is calling the Netforum XWeb and the service is down, SSO will be disrupted.
- Make sure that your current SSO configurations are correct and have not been changed. Any vendor information that is updated will make any web service calls from Higher Logic error out. This will also disrupt your integration.
Activity Sync
Activities are not being written even though we have everything set up.
Make sure that all fields listed in the Activity Sync section have been correctly set up. All fields must be set up correctly for activities to complete the writeback cycle.
We do not have the stored procedure or the activity codes and sub-codes in Netforum. How do we retrieve these SQL objects?
Create a case with Higher Logic Support after confirming that you have the Activity Sync module as part of your Higher Logic platform. The scripts will be sent over and then you will have to install them on your Netforum database.