Scoring is a great way to obtain calibrated measurements about how your contacts are really doing. As your membership grows, so, too, will the complexity of your Scoring mechanism.
When you want to learn more about how much your contacts are engaging with your organization's messaging, you can view data in your iMIS database. That data has been written there from your Higher Logic Thrive Marketing Professional (Thrive Marketing Professional) account and is written via the Scoring writeback.
Scoring writeback notes
The writeback occurs daily, automatically.
It is important that your set up occurs in the following order:
- Create user-defined tables in your iMIS database for both of these activity types; refer to User-defined table structure, below.
- Enable the writeback in Thrive Marketing Professional; refer to Enable the writeback, below.
See User-Defined Tables to learn the initial steps to create a user-defined table.
User-defined table structure
You must create the two user-defined tables to work with this writeback.
IMPORTANT: The user-defined tables in iMIS are required in order for this writeback to properly function. If the writeback feature is activated but the required tables do not exist or are incorrectly formatted, the writeback will not be sent until the setup requirements are met.
Below is the table structure for the INFORMZ_ENGAGEMENT and INFORMZ_LEAD tables.
NOTE: Name the tables and columns (fields) using the exact names and data types indicated below. If the names are not identical, the writeback will fail.
Field Name | Prompt | Type | Length |
SCORE_NAME | Score Name | Char | 255 |
SCORE_DESC | Score Desc | Char | 2000 |
INFORMZ_LEAD table details
Field Name | Prompt | Type | Length |
SCORE_NAME | Score Name | Char | 255 |
SCORE_DESC | Score Desc | Char | 2000 |
Enable the writeback
This section describes how to enable the writeback in Thrive Marketing Professional.
- Navigate to Settings > System Settings.
- Scroll down to the Remote Database Information section.
- Check the box for Send Scoring Activity?.
- Click Save.
This single writeback to your iMIS database automatically includes:
- Engagement Scoring
- Lead Scoring
IMPORTANT: Despite this being one writeback job, you must set up two user-defined tables, one for each scoring-activity type; otherwise, the writeback job will fail.