This article provides in-depth information about the Higher Logic Thrive Marketing Enterprise (Thrive Marketing Enterprise) SOAP API.
Before using the Thrive Marketing Enterprise SOAP API (SOAP API) to upload recipient data, you should understand:
- the standard upload process via the Thrive Marketing Enterprise interface and
- the general rules of Thrive Marketing Enterprise recipient data and how that data is used when designing, sending, and analyzing the results of Thrive Marketing Enterprise messages.
The following is an overview of some of these concepts, which will influence your understanding of the SOAP API. You should also log in to and use the Thrive Marketing Enterprise interface to familiarize yourself with it.
NOTE: Keep in mind that calls must be made to us on TLS 1.2, or higher, encryption level.
Recipient records
Recipient records are uniquely identified for upload into Thrive Marketing Enterprise based on either email address or custom ID. Every Thrive Marketing Enterprise account is set to either email address or custom ID as the unique identifier.
Email address as unique identifier
If email address is the unique identifier for an account, then, during the upload process, records in the CSV data file will be de-duped and qualified based on the uniqueness of the value in the email address field. This means that:
- if multiple records in the upload file have the same email address, only one of the records will be uploaded to Thrive Marketing Enterprise, and
- records that do not have a valid email address in the email address field of the upload file will not be uploaded to Thrive Marketing Enterprise.
Exception note
If you're using email address as the unique identifier, consider the following exception.
One exception to the way Thrive Marketing Enterprise defines uniqueness during upload is when the account the Thrive Marketing Enterprise faxing feature AND the CSV data contains fax numbers. If an email address is present in the email address field of a record, the email address is always used to determine uniqueness.
However, if there is no email address, the fax number can be used to determine the uniqueness of the CSV data.
If there are multiple records with no email address and the same fax number, the combination of Fax, Last Name, First Name will be used to determine uniqueness. Hence, multiple recipients with the same fax number can be uploaded.
Custom ID as unique identifier
NOTE: Higher Logic offers custom ID as a unique identifier option Thrive Marketing Enterprise so that customers who want to make sure that when an existing recipient's email address changes it is updated in Thrive Marketing Enterprise, rather than a new record being created for the new email address, thereby leaving the record with the old address intact but possibly inactive.
If custom ID is the unique identifier for an account, then, during the upload process, records in the CSV data file will be de-duped and qualified based on the uniqueness of the value in the custom ID field. This means that:
- your upload file must contain a custom ID field and every record in the file must have a custom ID value, and
- the custom ID must be the actual unique identifier in your database.
Unintentional email-address duplication
The custom ID feature can cause unintentional duplication of email addresses in Thrive Marketing Enterprise. If your external database has multiple records with the same email address but with different custom IDs, Thrive Marketing Enterprise will accept these as unique records and will send email messages to both email addresses, regardless of the fact that the email addresses are the same.
Recipient data fields
In addition to email address, fax number, first name, and last name, Thrive Marketing Enterprise provides several fields for recipient data, plus 30 custom fields, that can be labeled and used for whatever data you want to use in a given account including date-type data that can be validated at a few different points in Thrive Marketing Enterprise including upload. Labeling custom fields and defining any of them as date fields currently can only be done via the Thrive Marketing Enterprise interface.
Mapping the data fields
Mapping is how you match the fields of your .CSV data with the fields in your Thrive Marketing Enterprise database. This process ensures that the data is imported into the proper fields.
Data upload options
In addition to mapping your CSV data fields, you are presented with two additional decisions about how Thrive Marketing Enterprise should upload your data:
Add or replace group recipients
- Add recipients to the specified group, or
- Replace recipients in the specified group with the ones in your CSV data.
If you choose to add recipients to the group, records in the CSV data that currently are not in the specified group will be added.
If you decide to replace recipients in the specified group, Thrive Marketing Enterprise will replace the records in the group with the records in the CSV data. The records being removed are not deleted from your Thrive Marketing Enterprise database, rather, they are merely taken out of the group, and remain in the database so there is no impact on the historical data.
Update or do not update recipient data
- Update data for recipients in your CSV data who are already present in Thrive Marketing Enterprise, or
- Ignore changes in your CSV data as compared to data for recipients already present in Thrive Marketing Enterprise.
If you choose to update data, your CSV data will overwrite the corresponding data that exists in Thrive Marketing Enterprise. The one exception is that Thrive Marketing Enterprise will NOT overwrite a fax number with a blank.
If you choose to not update the data in Thrive Marketing Enterprise with the data in your CSV data, new records will be added to the group, but data in existing records will not be modified.
This option has significant implications for customers who personalize their email messages.
Getting started
The SOAP API supports the creation of recipient groups and the upload of recipient data. Check the Thrive Marketing Enterprise home page (immediately following the login) for information about new features that become available via the SOAP API.
Use scenario
The Thrive Marketing Enterprise SOAP API was conceived in order to streamline the integration of your users’ recipient data into Thrive Marketing Enterprise. By building your own application around the SOAP API, you can provide a way for your Thrive Marketing Enterprise users to seamlessly push data directly from your internal system into Thrive Marketing Enterprise without having to worry about interfacing that data via an interface that is less familiar to them than your own, internal, contact management system. Even if your users are not using a large, shared, contact management system, you might want to provide your users with an installed, desktop application that will allow them to seamlessly push data from Excel or Access on the desktop, directly into Thrive Marketing Enterprise.
In general, using the SOAP API will consist of just a few simple steps. First, your application will need to log into the SOAP API. Every Thrive Marketing Enterprise user will have his own log in into the web interface and that login will be used for beginning a session for that user on the SOAP API. While one account can, and should, have multiple logins for multiple users, it is important to note that all users logging into the same Thrive Marketing Enterprise account will be acting on the same Thrive Marketing Enterprise message, recipients, and groups contained in the one account. The SOAP API does not prevent one user in an account from overwriting data that another user has uploaded. If this is a concern within your organization, you will need to design checks and balances into the application you are building around the SOAP API. Do not hesitate to contact Thrive Marketing Enterprise support for help on ways to address such issues.
Once you have logged a user into the SOAP API and the user has defined the data in your internal system that is to be uploaded into Thrive Marketing Enterprise, you should create the CSV formatted data and send it to Thrive Marketing Enterprise via the uploadListQueue() method. This method performs initial validation of your session, request and some of the data submitted, queues the data for integration into the designated group and then returns some basic result information. You will need to check back with the SOAP API via the getUploadJobStatus() method in order to get the data integration results for your user.
Logging in to the Thrive Marketing Enterprise SOAP API
In Thrive Marketing Enterprise SOAP API 2.0 and higher, there is a method called Authenticate() described in the Thrive Marketing Enterprise Web Service List and in the table below. This URL will then be used for subsequent calls made to the SOAP API. Refer to Using credentials, below, for details about making subsequent calls. Existing users of previous Thrive Marketing Enterprise SOAP API versions can still use the “classic” authentication, but are encouraged to switch.
The following are the input and return of the Authenticate() method:
Authenticate() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
username | string | The login / user ID used to log your user into Thrive Marketing Enterprise |
password | string | The password used to log your user into Thrive Marketing Enterprise |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
AuthenticateResult | AuthenticateResult | See object reference for information on this data type |
Using credentials
In all subsequent calls, you will have to pass the userId and sessionId within the SOAP header.
The SOAP header is of type mmAuthHeader, which has the following two properties:
- String sessionId
- String user_Id
Prepare for the upload
Within your application, you will probably want to provide an interface to certain features in Thrive Marketing Enterprise that will be affected by the kind of results your user wants from the upload. You may want to provide a list of existing groups in the user account or the list of Thrive Marketing Enterprise fields and user-defined custom fields in order for the user to define how CSV data should be mapped in Thrive Marketing Enterprise.
Web Services
getGroups() - Get a List of Groups
Use the getGroups() method to get a list of groups in a user’s account. You can specify whether you want to return all groups, hidden groups, or non-hidden groups. You can also specify whether you want to return groups that are used on subscription pages, not used on subscription pages, or all groups.
getGroups() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
Display_status | int | 0=request groups hidden; 1= request groups not hidden; 2=request all groups |
Subscription_groups | int | 0= request groups not on sub page, 1= request groups on sub page; 2 = request all groups |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
Group[i] | array | This method returns an array of group objects. See object reference for information on the group object. |
MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
getGroupDetails() – Get Important Information About A Group
Use the getGroupDetails() method to get statistical details about a group.
getGroupDetails() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
groupId | int | The ID of the group. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
MailRecipientGroup | MailRecipientGroup | This method returns a MailRecipientGroup. See object reference for information on the MailRecipientGroup object. |
MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
addGroup() - Add a Group
If your user does not wish to upload into an existing group, you will want to provide the option of creating a new group.
addGroup() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
Group_name | string | The name you would like to use for the new group. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
SaveResult | SaveResult | This method returns a saveResult object. See object reference for information on the saveResult object. |
MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
getGroupsUTC() - Get the Group List in UTC Formatted Dates
This function is the same as getGroups() function. The only difference is that the call returns the date fields as UTC formatted dates.
getGroupCategory() - Get the Unsubscribe Category Details for a Category ID
This function is used for getting the Group Categories.
getGroupCategory() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
groupCategoryId | int | The category ID to retrieve the unsubscribe category information. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
GetGroupCategoryResult | GetGroupCategoryResult | See GetGroupCategoryResult object reference. |
getAllGroupCategories() - Get the Unsubscribe Categories
This function is used for getting the unsubscribe categories. You will only need to pass the header information and call the GetAllGroupCategories() function and you will be provided all of the unsubscribe categories.
getAllGroupCategories() | ||
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
GetAllGroupCategoriesResult | GetAllGroupCategoriesResult | See GetAllGroupCategoriesResult object reference. |
GetRecipientFields() - Get a List of Recipient Fields
Use the getRecipientFields() method to get a list of recipient fields in a user’s account. This method is useful for providing an interface for users to map CSV Data to Thrive Marketing Enterprise fields.
getRecipientFields() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
FieldDefn[i] | array | This method returns an array of fieldDefn objects. See object reference for information on the fieldDefn object. |
MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
getRecipientDetails() - Get Details About a Recipient
Call this method to get data for a recipient. In addition to email address, fax number, first name and last name, Thrive Marketing Enterprise provides several more standard, generic fields for recipient data plus 30 custom fields which can be labeled and used for whatever data you want to use in a given account including date-type data that can be validated at a few different points in Thrive Marketing Enterprise including upload. Labeling custom fields and defining any of them as date fields currently can only be done via Thrive Marketing Enterprise.
getRecipientDetails() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
recipient_id | BigInt | The id obtained from getRecipientDetails(). |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | recipient | See Object Reference for information about this object. |
addRecipient() - Add a Recipient
Call this method when a new recipient needs to be added.
addRecipient() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
string | Recipient’s email (max 100 char) | |
first_name | string | Recipient’s first name (max 50 char) |
last_name | string | Recipient’s last name (max 50 char) |
Fax | string | Recipient’s fax (max 50 char) |
custom_id | string | Recipient’s custom id (valid only if users account is set up for using custom id’s) (max 50 char) |
phone | string | Recipient’s phone (max 50 char) |
address_1 | string | Recipient’s address 1 (max 100 char) |
address_2 | string | Recipient’s address 2 (max 100 char) |
City | string | Recipient’s city (max 50 char) |
State | string | Recipient’s state (max 50 char) |
Zip | string | Recipient’s zip (max 50 char) |
company | string | Recipient’s company (max 200 char) |
text_only | bool | Whether recipient has opted to receive text only (no HTML messages) messages. False = HTML True = Text |
custom1 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom2 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom3 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom4 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom5 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom6 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom7 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom8 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom9 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom10 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom11 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom12 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom13 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom14 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom15 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom16 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom17 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom18 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom19 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom20 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom21 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom22 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom23 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom24 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom25 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom26 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom27 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom28 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom29 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom30 | string | (max 100 char) |
Groups | array | The group ID’s of the group which the recipient should be added into. See getGroups() method. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
SaveResult | SaveResult | This method returns a saveResult object. See object reference for information on the saveResult object. |
editRecipient() - Edit Details about a Recipient
Call this method to edit recipient data.
editRecipient() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
user_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
recipient_id | int | The id obtained from getRecipientDetails(). |
string | Recipient’s email (max 100 char). | |
first_name | string | Recipient’s first name (max 50 char). |
last_name | string | Recipient’s last name (max 50 char). |
Fax | string | Recipient’s fax (max 50 char). |
custom_id | string | Recipient’s custom id (valid only if users account is set up for using custom id’s) (max 50 char). |
phone | string | Recipient’s phone (max 50 char). |
address_1 | string | Recipient’s address 1 (max 100 char). |
address_2 | string | Recipient’s address 2 (max 100 char). |
City | string | Recipient’s city (max 50 char). |
State | string | Recipient’s state (max 50 char). |
Zip | string | Recipient’s zip (max 50 char). |
company | string | Recipient’s company (max 200 char). |
text_only | bool | Whether recipient has opted to receive text only (no HTML messages) messages. False = HTML True = Text |
custom1 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom2 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom3 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom4 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom5 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom6 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom7 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom8 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom9 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom10 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom11 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom12 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom13 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom14 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom15 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom16 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom17 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom18 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom19 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom20 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom21 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom22 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom23 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom24 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom25 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom26 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom27 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom28 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom29 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom30 | string | (max 100 char) |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
SaveResult | SaveResult | This method returns a saveResult object. See object reference for information on the saveResult object. |
editRecipientGroups() - Edit Recipient Groups
Call this method when a recipient is added to a group or when a recipient should be unsubscribed from a group.
editRecipientGroups() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
recipient_id | int | The id obtained from getRecipientDetails(). |
message_id | int | The group ID’s of the groups which the recipient should be added into. See getGroups() method. Length of array should be null if no groups are in this category. |
new_groups | array | The group ID’s of the groups which the recipient should be removed from. See getGroups() method. Length of array should be null if no groups are in this category. |
unsubscribed_groups | array | |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | bool | True if successful |
getRecipientGroups() - Get Recipient Groups
Call this method to see which groups a recipient belongs to.
getRecipientGroups() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
recipient | recipient | Id is the only required field. See object reference for more details about the Recipient Object. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | array | Array of RecipientGroups see object reference for more details. |
getSubscribedRecipients() - Get Recipients that Subscribed through a Subscription Page
Call this method to get recipients that either subscribed throug a subscription page or those who updated their information through a subscription page.
getSubscribedRecipients() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
startDate | DateTime | The date from. |
endDate | DateTime | The date to. |
group_ids | Array of Int | The group ID’s for which you want to know if the recipient is subscribed to. If you want to know for all groups, then pass an array of Length 0. |
report_type | string | Valid values “new” and “updated.” If you pass “new,” the method will return the newly added recipients. Otherwise, it will return recipients that updated their information. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | bool | True if successful. |
getRecipientHistory() - Pull the History of a Recipient
Call this method to view a recipient's history.
getRecipientHistory() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
user_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
recipient_id | BigInt | the id obtained from getRecipientDetails(). |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | Recipient_History | Recipient_history object. |
getSavedSearches() - Run Saved Search
Calling this method will run a saved search that has already been created in your account.
getSavedSearches() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
Search_name | string | The name of the saved search that will be run. |
Loginid | string | The login ID for the saved search. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | EnterpriseQueri es[] | An array of recipients who match the saved search criteria. |
runSavedSearch() - Run Saved Search
Calling this method will run a saved search that has already been created in your account.
getSavedSearches() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
Search_name | string | The name of the saved search that will be run. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | Recipient[] | An array of recipients who match the saved search criteria. |
MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
getUserDetails() - Getting User (Account) options
Different users (also called Accounts) have different options and permissions. Based on these options, different sets of business logic is applied to the user. Calling the getUserDetails() function will provide you with options for the specific use.
getUserDetails() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
user | user | See Object Reference for information about this object. |
MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
searchRecipients() - Search Recipients
Search for recipients using different criteria which describe the recipient.
searchRecipients() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
recipientSearchCriteria | RecipientSearchCriteria | See Object Reference for more details. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | RecipientSearchR esult | See Object Reference for more details |
MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
uploadListQueue() - Uploading a List
When you are ready to upload data into Thrive Marketing Enterprise, call the uploadListQueue() method. When you call this method, an upload job is queued. The method will return a job ID that can be used later to query for the status of upload job.
uploadListQueue() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
Groupid | int | The group ID of the group into which CSV data should be uploaded. |
CsvData | string |
Replace_group | boolean | True if designated group should be “replaced.” False if recipients should be “added to” group. |
Update_dups | boolean | True if existing recipient data (already in Thrive Marketing Enterprise before this upload) should be updated; other wise false. |
Header_line | boolean | True if csvData has a header row. |
Mapping_name | string |
MM_1 through MM_42 | string |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
UploadListResult | UploadListResult | See Object Reference for more details |
MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
getUploadJobStatus() - Checking the Status of a Queued Upload Job
After you have successfully queued an upload job, you may want to provide an interface for your user to view the results of that upload when it's complete. GetUploadJobStatus() returns the same uploadListResult object used by the uploadListQueue() method. When enough time has elapsed, getUploadJobStatus() will return more data describing the status of your upload request.
getUploadJobStatus() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
Jobid | int | Obtained from uploadListResult object returned by uploadListQueue(). |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
UploadListResult | UploadListResult | See Object Reference for more details. |
MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
getUploadJobStatusUTC() - Getting the upload job status using UTC time and date
This function has the same functionality as getUploadJobStatusUTC(). Takes a jobid and returns the status of an upload jobid. Dates returned in UTC.
Returns a list of the contacts who were rejected within a given upload job.
GetRejectFile() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
job_id | int | This is the job id for the upload job. |
uploadSuppressionList() - Suppress Recipients Recipients
Search for recipients using different criteria which describe the recipient.
uploadSuppressionList() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
suppressionList | suppressionlist | See Object Reference for more details. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | uploadSuppressio nListResult | See Object Reference for more details. |
MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
unsubscribeRecipients() - Unsubscribe Recipients
Search for recipients using different criteria which describe the recipient.
unsubscribeRecipients() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
unsubscribes | array | Array of Unsubscribe objects. Id is not required and will be ignored if entered. See reference for more details. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
unsubscribeRecipientRe sult | array | Array of Unsubscribe objects that have been successfully unsubscribed with their proper Unsubscribe Id. See Object Reference for more details. |
MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
uploadListInitialQueue() - Upload lists with Enhanced personalization
Similar to the UploadListQueue function, the UploadListInitialQueue expands the available fields in the upload. With the introduction of Enhanced Personalized fields, there is now an unlimited amount of fields that can be used during upload.
uploadListInitialQueue() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
sessionID | string | The session ID you will obtain from the Authenticate() function should be used for this element. |
user_id | string | The user ID that is used in the Authenticate() function. |
InitialQueueId | double | This section can be ignored as the system will automatically assign a QueueId. |
LoginId | double | The login ID that will be obtained from the Authenticate() function’s result should be used here. |
HasHeaderRow | bool | This element will define if you have Header rows in the upload data. |
GroupId | int | The group ID you are uploading to should be placed between the element tags. |
ContainsNonWestern Characters | bool | Whether the upload data contains non-Western characters. |
AddReplace | ADD or REPLACE | Add to the group or replace the group option is defined within this element. |
UpdateExistingRecipi ents | bool | Whether to update the existing recipients or not update the records. |
CsvColumnOrder | int | The CSV file’s column order, the mapping field order. |
RMColumnName | string | The column name you are uploading the data to. |
Mapping | string | The mapping name if you would like to use a saved mapping. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
UploadListInitialQue ueResult | UploadListInitialQue ueResult | See Object Reference for information about this object. |
getMessages() - Get list of messages in user's account
Call this method to get a list of messages in users account. You can filter by different criteria as specified in the different input Properties. MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
getMessages() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
createStartDate | dateTime | Specifies the lower boundary of the date a message was created. |
createEndDate | dateTime | Specifies the upper boundary of the date a message was created. |
sentStartDate | dateTime | Specifies the lower boundary of the date a message was sent. |
sentEndDate | dateTime | Specifies the upper boundary of the date a message was sent. |
archived | bool_special Valid values are No or Yes or All | Is the message archived? No: un-archived Yes: Archived All: ignore archive status |
hidden | bool_special | Is the message hidden? No: Not hidden Yes: Hidden All: ignore hide status |
hasFax | bool_special | Does the message have a fax component? No: Yes: All: ignore fax document status |
hasEmail | bool_special | |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
MessageList[] | Array of MessageList | See Object Reference for information about this object. |
createReal MagnetMessage() - Create a Message in a users Account
Call this method to create a message in a users account. MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
createReal MagnetMessage() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
Message_id | int | Included for future functionality, not needed to pass into the function. |
LoginId | int | The login ID who that is creating the message. Required |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
Message_name | string | The name of the message you are creating Required (50 char max) |
Text_version | string | The text that will comprise the text version of the message being created. Required |
Html_version_block1 | string | The HTML for content block one. Right now, ALL content should be in block one. Required |
Html_version_block2 | string | The HTML for content block two. Will be used when we expand create messages to involve templates. Defaults to empty string. |
Html_version_block3 | string | The HTML for content block three. Will be used when we expand create messages to involve templates. Defaults to empty string. |
Template_id | int | The template ID of the message you will create. Right now, not needed to pass in. Defaults to 0 |
Is_fax_only | boolean | Is this a fax only message. Defaults to false. |
Is_copy_paste_template | boolean | Is this message using the copy_paste template. Defaults to true. Must be true for now. |
Is_auto_unsubscribe_link | boolean | Should the message contain the unsubscribe link. Defaults to true |
Fax_doc_1 | string | The contents of fax document 1. Defaults to empty string. |
Fax_doc_2 | string | The contents of fax document 2. Defaults to empty string. |
Fax_doc_3 | string | The contents of fax document 3. Defaults to empty string. |
Fax_doc_4 | string | The contents of fax document 4. Defaults to empty string. |
Fax_doc_5 | string | The contents of fax document 5. Defaults to empty string. |
Is_fax_merged | boolean | Is this a merged fax. Required if is_fax_only is true. |
Message_category | int | The message category, NOT IN USE NOW, not needed to pass in |
createDate | dateTime | The date the message is created. Defaults to current time |
lastSent | dateTime | The date the message was sent. NOT IN USE NOW, not needed to pass in. |
editReal MagnetMessage() - Edit a Message in a users Account
Call this method to edit a message in a user's account. MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
createReal MagnetMessage() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
Message_id | int | The message ID of the message to be edited (required) |
LoginId | int | The login ID who is editing the message (required) |
User_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
Message_name | string | The name of the message you are editing; 100 char max (required) |
Text_version | string | The text that will comprise the text version of the message being created (required) |
Html_version_block1 | string | The HTML for content block one. Right now, ALL content should be in block one (required) |
Html_version_block2 | string | The HTML for content block two. Will be used when we expand create messages to involve templates. Defaults to empty string. |
Html_version_block3 | string | The HTML for content block three. Will be used when we expand create messages to involve templates. Defaults to empty string. |
Template_id | int | The template ID of the message you will create. Right now, not needed to pass in. Defaults to 0 |
Is_fax_only | boolean | Is this a fax only message. Defaults to false. |
Is_copy_paste_template | boolean | Is this message using the copy_paste template. Defaults to true. Must be true for now. |
Is_auto_unsubscribe_link | boolean | Should the message contain the unsubscribe link. Defaults to true |
Fax_doc_1 | string | The contents of fax document 1. Defaults to empty string. |
Fax_doc_2 | string | The contents of fax document 2. Defaults to empty string. |
Fax_doc_3 | string | The contents of fax document 3. Defaults to empty string. |
Fax_doc_4 | string | The contents of fax document 4. Defaults to empty string. |
Fax_doc_5 | string | The contents of fax document 5. Defaults to empty string. |
Is_fax_merged | boolean | Is this a merged fax. Required if is_fax_only is true. |
Message_category | int | The message category, NOT IN USE NOW, not needed to pass in |
createDate | dateTime | The date the message is created. Defaults to current time |
lastSent | dateTime | The date the message was sent. NOT IN USE NOW, not needed to pass in. |
getMessageCategory() – Getting the message categories
getMessageCategory() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
messageCategoryId | int | The message category ID. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
GetMessageCategoryResponse | GetMessageCategoryResponse | Please see the GetMessageCategoryResponse Object reference. |
getMessageListUTC() – Get the list of messages using UTC date and time
This function has the same functionality as getMessageList(). The only difference is the date format. The date format is in UTC.
getMessagesUTC() – Get the list of messages using UTC date and time
This function has the same functionality as getMessages(). Returns a list of messages by different criterion. Messages can be filtered by sent date , create date, archive status, hide status, if it has fax, if it has email. Dates returned in UTC format.
GetMessageDetails() – Get the message categories
GetMessageDetails() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
message_id | int | Message_id to get. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
GetMessageDetailsResult | GetMessageDetailsResult | See Object Reference for information about this object. |
getOverallTracking() - Get overall tracking information for a message
Once a message has been sent out, you can get overall tracking information by calling this function. You can also filter the tracking info by the group_id (it will return data for recipients who belong to that group).
Method returns the object TrackingData. See “objects” section for more info on this object.
getOverallTracking() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
user_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
message_id | int | Message_id to get. |
group_id | int | Group_id to filter by. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
TrackingData | TrackingData | See Object Reference for information about this object. |
getTrackingData() - Get overall tracking information for a message
Once a message has been sent out, you can get overall tracking information by calling this function. You can also filter the tracking info by the group_id (it will return data for recipients who belong to that group). The results do not return the Groups Email Sent To and Groups Fax Sent To data provided in the getOverallTracking() method.
Method returns the object TrackingData. See “objects” section for more info on this object.
getTrackingData() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
user_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
message_id | int | Message_id to get. |
group_id | int | Group_id to filter by. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
TrackingData | TrackingData | See Object Reference for information about this object. |
getDetailedTracking() - Get detailed tracking information for a message
Call this method to get list of recipients that meet the report criteria. You can get recipient list for email_sent, email_delivered, email_bounced, email_opened, unsubscribed, fax_sent, fax_delivered, fax_failed, links.
If you are calling the “email_bounced”, you can also pass the bounce_type for links.
getDetailedTracking() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
user_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
report_type | tracking_report_type |
Specifies the report to get. Valid values are:
message_id | int | Message_id to get. |
Page | int | Page number for this call. |
recordsPerPage | int | Number of records returned per call. Cannot be more than 2000. |
group_id | int | Group_id to filter by. |
First_name | string | Filter by first_name of recipient. |
Last_name | string | Filter by last_name of recipient. |
string | Filter by email of recipient. | |
Fax | string | Filter by fax of recipient. |
FromDate | dateTime | Specifies the lower boundary message was sent/ opened/ link clicked (depends on report_type). |
toDate | dateTime | Specifies the upper boundary message was sent/ opened/ link clicked (depends on report_type). |
CustomParam1 | string |
Useful only when report_type is either links or email_bounced.
“” (blank/empty string) | ||
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
TrackingDetails | TrackingDetails | See Object Reference for information about this object. |
MmAuthHeader must be passed in the SOAP header when calling this method.
- SB - Soft Bounce
- HB - Hard Bounce
- MF - Mailbox Full
- UNF - User Not Found
- TU - Temporarily Unavailable
- BD - Bad Domain “” : return all bounce types
getLinkURLs() - Get a list of Link URLs for a Message
getLinkURLs() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
user_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
message_id | int | Message_id to get. |
group_id | int | Group_id to filter by. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | Links[] | An Array of Links object. |
getUnsubscribes() - Find Unsubscribes by Date
getUnsubscribes() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
user_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
fromDate | DateTime | Date and time (inclusive) on which the search will begin; valid format: 01/01/2007 12:00:00 AM |
toDate | DateTime | Date and time (inclusive) on which the search will end; valid format: 01/01/2007 12:00:00 AM |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | recp_unsubscribe[] | An Array of recp_unsubscribe object. |
getSpamComplaints() - Find Spam Complaints by Date
getSpamComplaints() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
user_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
fromDate | DateTime | Date and time (inclusive) on which the search will begin; valid format: 01/01/2007 12:00:00 AM |
toDate | DateTime | Date and time (inclusive) on which the search will end; valid format: 01/01/2007 12:00:00 AM |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | recp_unsubscribe[] | Array of recp_unsubscribe object. |
GetMessageLinkTracking() – Get Message Link Click Activity
GetMessageLinkTracking() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
criteria | MessageLinkTrackingSearchCriteria | See Object Reference For More Details. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
MessageLinkTrackingResults | MessageLinkTrackingResults | See Object Reference For More Details. |
GetMessageOpenTracking() – Get Message Open Activity
GetMessageOpenTracking() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
criteria | MessageTrackingSearchCriteria | See Object Reference For More Details. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
MessageOpenTrackingResults | MessageOpenTrackingResults | See Object Reference For More Details. |
GetMessageSentTracking() – Get Message Sent (Delivered, Bounced, etc.) Activity
GetMessageSentTracking() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
criteria | MessageTrackingSearchCriteria | See Object Reference For More Details. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
MessageSentTrackingResults | MessageSentTrackingResults | See Object Reference For More Details. |
GetUnsubscribeTracking() – Get Recipient Unsubscribe Activity
GetUnsubscribeTracking() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
criteria | UnsubscribeTrackingSearchCriteria | See Object Reference For More Details. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
UnsubscribeTrackingResults | UnsubscribeTrackingResults | See Object Reference For More Details. |
getDetailedTrackingUTC() – Get Detailed tracking using the UTC date & time
This function has the same functionality as getDetailedTracking(). Get detailed tracking data for a message. UTC Times returned for dates.
sendEmailToIndividual() - Send Email to Individual
Call this method to send a message to an individual recipient.
sendEmailToIndividual() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
user_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
message_id | int | Message_id to get. |
html_web_version_link | boolean | True will include the link to view Web Version of message in an HTML message. |
text_web_version_link | boolean | True will include the link to view Web Version of message in a TEXT message. |
message_subject | string | The message subject to be included in the message. |
message_from | string | The message from address. |
billing_code | string | Billing code for the message. |
billing_initial | string | Initials to identify if the sender of the message. |
recipients | array | Array of e-mail addresses that the message will be sent to. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | emailToIndividua lResult | See object reference for information on the emailToIndividualResult object. |
sendMessageToGroup() - Send Message to Group
Call this method to send a message to a group.
sendMessageToGroup() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
user_id | string | The Account ID obtained from auth() function call. |
LoginId | int | LoginID that will be sending the message. LoginID is returned in the Auth() function when initially establishing credentials with the system. This loginID corresponding back to the login_name, which will be displayed when view messages in the message tools on the queued page. |
message_id | int | The messageID that will be sent. Obtained from the getMessages() method, or after creating a new message. |
scheduledDateTime | DateTime | The date and time the message will be sent out. |
Group_ids | int[] | An array of group IDs that the message will be sent out to. GroupIDs can be obtained from the getGroups() function. |
Filteredout_groups | int[] | A list of groupIDs that recipients of these groups will NOT receive the message, even if they are in the groups to be sent. |
Test_Emails | string | A list of additional email addresses to be sent to. This is like the ad hoq field in send message to group on the MM interface. |
Send_Type | Send_Type | What type of message you are sending. The options are: EmailFaxPriorityEmail, EmailFaxPriorityFax, EmailOnly, FaxOnly |
faxToFailedEmail_email toFailedFax | bool | Send the fax version of a message to a bounced email address, or send an email to a undeliverable fax. |
Html_web_version_link | bool | Include a link in the HTML verison to view message on a webpage. |
Text_web_version_link | bool | Include a link in the text version to view message on a webpage. |
Message_Subject | string | The subject of the message (max 100 char) |
Message_from | string | The from field of the message (max 100 char) |
Billing_code | string | The billing colde for the message (max 20 char) |
Billing_inital | string | The billing initials for the message (max 3 char) |
SendDespiteArchived | bool | Send the message |
sendDespiteBadFrom | bool | Send the message although it has a syntactically invalid from address. |
Ignore_dedupe | bool | Determines whether or not to send a message to the same recipient more than once. |
Fax_resolution | faxResolution | The resolution of the fax to use. Options are: fine or standard |
Newsletter | Newsletter | The newsletter Properties. See object reference for information on the newsletter type |
Job_notification | sendNotification | The sendNotification Properties. The newsletter Properties. See object reference for information on the sendNotification type |
rssPublishType | rssType | The rssType Properties: Options are: noRSS, RSSOnly, RSStoSelectedGroups |
miscArguments | string | Any Misc Arguments. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
result | EmailtoGroupRes ult | See object reference for information on the emailToGroupResult object. |
getErrorDetails() - Errors
Sometimes errors will be returned in the SOAP header and other times in the response Propertys of the method you are working with. To get further details on an error number, call the getErrorDetails() method.
getErrorDetails() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
Error_nbr | int | Error number returned in the errorObj object’s errorNumber Property or in the SOAP errorNumber Property. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
ErrorObj | Error | See Object Reference for information about this object. |
getEnhancedPersonalizedFields() – Getting Enhanced Personalized fields
Sometimes errors will be returned in the SOAP header, and other times in the response Properties of the method you are working with. To get further details on an error number, call the getErrorDetails() method.
getEnhancedPersonalizedFields() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
loginId | int | This is the login ID which is obtained from the Authenticate() function’s result. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
Enhanced Personalization fields | Enhanced Personalization fields | See the object reference for GetEnhancedPersonalizedFieldsResult. |
SearchPersonifySubscriptionMappings() – Get subscription mappings from Personify
This function is used for retrieving the Personify Subscription Mapping fields.
SearchPersonifySubscriptionMappings() | ||
Input Property | Data Type | Description |
ObjectType | string | The object type of the mapping. |
Identifier | string | The identifier for the mapping. |
Return Property | Data Type | Description |
SearchPersonifySubscriptionMappi ngsResult | SearchPersonifySubscriptionMappi ngsResult | See the object reference for SearchPersonifySubscriptionMappingsResult. |
Object Reference
Property | Data Type | Description |
Authenticated | boolean | Whether the session has been authenticated or not. |
sessionId | string | The sessionId for the currentThrive Marketing Enterprise SOAP API session. |
Loginid | int | The loginid for the user logged in. |
login_name | string | The logged in user’s usersname. |
user_nbr | string | The number that identifies the account. |
partition_id | int | Partition the account belongs to for groups. |
is_parent_mail_user | int | Whether the account is the top level account. |
parent_user_id | string | The name of the parent account. |
user_id | string | The name of the account that the user is logged in to. This is the same as the parent_user_id value if logged into the parent account. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Message_name | string | The name of the message. |
Message_id | int | The ID of the message. |
Sent_date | DateTime | The date and time the message was sent. |
Open_date | DateTime | The date and time the message was opened. |
Send_Result | string | The result of the send. |
Links | Link[] | Refer to the link documentation. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Email_job_ids | int[] | Array of integers that represents the job IDs for the message send. |
Error | double | |
errorObj | error | See object reference for information on the error data type. |
Fax_job_ids | int[] | Array of integers that represents the fax job IDs for the message send. |
Msg | string |
Property | Data Type | Description |
email_sent | double | Number of emails that were sent. |
Error | double | |
errorObj | error | See object reference for information on the error data type. |
Msg | string | |
suppressed_emails | string | Emails that were not sent the message due to being suppressed |
Property | Data Type | Description |
ErrorCode | string | |
ErrorDetails | string | |
ErrorMessage | string | |
ErrorNumber | double | |
ErrorType | string |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Message_name | string | The name of the message. |
Sent_date | DateTime | The date and time the fax was sent. |
Fax_Status | string | The status of the fax. |
Connect_time | int | The duration of the connection to send the fax. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
FieldNameText | string | Display name of field and/or custom field defined in user’s account. |
FieldNameValue | string | Thrive Marketing Enterprise field to which corresponding field display name is mapped. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Form_name | string | Name of the form submitted by the recipient. |
Submit_date | DateTime | Date and time the form was submitted. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Group_id | int | Numerical, unique ID for the current group. |
Group_name | string | Name of the group. |
Group_created | DateTime | Date the group was created. |
Display_status | boolean | Whether the group is hidden or showing in the Thrive Marketing Enterprise web interface. |
Subscription_group | boolean | Whether the group is present or not on the Thrive Marketing Enterprise subscription page. |
Last_updated_date | DateTime | The last date the group was updated. |
Last_updated_login_id | int | The Login ID of the last user who updated this group. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Group_id | int | Unique id for the group. |
Group_name | string | Name of the group. |
sent_date | DateTime | Date the message was sent to this group. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Link_url | string | The link the recipient clicked on. |
Link_url_id | int | The internal ID of the link that was clicked on. |
Website_links | Website_links[] | Refer to the website_links documentation. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Link_url | string | Link's URL address. |
link_text | string | Link's hyperlinked text associated. |
link_clicks | int | Number of unique recipients clicked. |
link_type | int | Link type within a message 1 = Text, 2 = URL, 3 = Image, 4 = Text link, 5 = RSS Text, 6 = RSS URL, 7 = RSS Image |
link_index | int | Link uniqueness. Uniqueness is defined as same URL and Text between two records for a specific message. Null = unique, 1 = more than one, 2 = more than 2 |
link_label | int | links |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Error | double | 0 = request was successful; 1 = request unsuccessful |
Message | string | |
ServerURL | string | URL for subsequent web service requests during new session. |
SessionID | string | Session token; to be passed for all subsequent method calls. |
SessionDuration | double | Number of minutes within which sessionId is valid. |
UserID | string | User’s account ID to be used for all subsequent method calls during new session. |
ErrorObj | error | If error is not 0, then errorObj is populated with error details. See object reference for information on the Error data type. |
Login_id | double | The login ID associated with the username for the account. |
Thrive Marketing Enterprise Queries
Property | Data Type | Description |
Search_Name | string | Name of search. |
Search_ID | int | ID of search. |
Create_Date | DateTime | Date search was created. |
LoginId | double | Login that created the search. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Message_id | int | Unique id for the message. |
Loginid | int | Loginid that created the message. |
User_id | string | User account to which message belongs. |
Message_name | string | Name of the message. |
createDate | DateTime | Date when message was created. |
lastSent | DateTime | Date when message was last sent to a group. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Message | Message | Custom object type. Provides message details. |
GroupsEmailSentTo | JobToGroup [] | Provides a list of groups the message was sent to. |
GroupsFaxSentTo | JobToGroup [] | Provides a list of groups the fax was sent to. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
newsletterArchive | boolean | Will this message be added to the newsletter archive. |
Newsletter_name | string | The name of the newsletter. |
Newletter_publish_date | DateTime | The date/time of the publish. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
id | int | Unique ID for the recipient. |
string | Recipient email address (max 100 char) | |
first_name | string | Recipient first name (max 50 char) |
last_name | string | Recipient last name (max 50 char) |
Fax | string | Recipient fax (max 50 char) |
custom_id | string | Recipient custom ID (valid only if user's account is set up to use custom IDs) (max 50 char) |
phone | string | Recipient phone number (max 50 char) |
address_1 | string | Recipient address 1 (max 100 char) |
address_2 | string | Recipient address 2 (max 100 char) |
City | string | Recipient city (max 50 char) |
State | string | Recipient state (max 50 char) |
Zip | string | Recipient zip or postal code (max 50 char) |
company | string | Recipient company (max 200 char) |
Unsubscribed | bool | Has the recipient unsubscribed from receiving any emails from this user's account |
fax_send_suppress | bool | |
email_send_suppress | bool | |
email_confirm | bool | Whether recipient has confirmed a subscription. If a recipient: - was added by the user, this field is always 1. - was added from a subscription page, this field is 0 until the recipient confirms the subscription. |
text_only | bool | Whether recipient has opted to receive text only messages. - True = Text only - False = HTML messages also |
custom1 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom2 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom3 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom4 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom5 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom6 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom7 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom8 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom9 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom10 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom11 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom12 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom13 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom14 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom15 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom16 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom17 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom18 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom19 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom20 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom21 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom22 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom23 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom24 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom25 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom26 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom27 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom28 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom29 | string | (max 100 char) |
custom30 | string | (max 100 char) |
Suppressed | bool | Whether recipient is suppressed from receiving any messages. |
suppressed_date | DateTime | Date recipient was suppressed. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
emailHistory | emailHistory[] | The email history portion for the recipient. |
faxHistory | faxHistory[] | The fax history portion for the recipient. |
formHistory | formHistory[] | The form history portion for the recipient. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Recipient | Recipient | Total number of recipients that match query criterion. |
ResultDate | DateTime | The page number that has been. |
Remarks | string | Number of records returned per call. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
ResultDate | DateTime | Returns the unsubscribed date. |
message_name | string | Returns the message name that the recipient unsubscribed from. |
group_name | string | Returns the group name that the recipient unsubscribed from. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Error | double | Numerical Error number. |
ErrorObj | error | See object reference for information on the error data type. |
Id | double | ID of the object (group, recipient, message) that was created, if created successfully. |
Msg | string |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Send_notification | boolean | Whether or not to use the send notification on this message when a job starts. |
Send_notification_from | string | The email address from where the notification will be coming from. |
Send_notification_to | string | The email address where the notification will be going. |
Send_notification_when | int | Send notification now (pass a 0), or when message is scheduled (1) |
Complete_notification | boolean | Whether or not to use notification when the message has completed sending. |
Send_complete_notification | string | The email address where the complete notification will be coming from. |
Send_complete_notific ation_to | string | The email address of the recipient who will be receiving this notification message. |
Send_complete_notific ation_when | int | The number of hours after a message is sent to send a tracking report. Values are 2, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 |
Property | Data Type | Description |
EmailSent | int | Number of emails sent. |
EmailDelivered | int | Number of emails delivered. |
EmailOpened | int | Number of recipients who opened the email. |
EmailBounced | int | Number of emails bounced. |
EmailLinksClicked | int | Number of recipients who clicked on a link. |
WebLinksClicked | int | Number of recipients who clicked on a link in a website. |
Unsubscribed | int | Number of recipients who unsubscribed. |
FaxSent | int | Number of faxes sent. |
FaxDelivered | int | Number of faxes that were delivered. |
FaxFailed | int | Number of faxes that failed. |
FTFNewEmails | int | |
FTF | int | |
FTFSubscribers | int | |
GroupsEmailSentTo | JobToGroup [] | Provides a list of groups the message was emailed to. |
GroupsFaxSentTo | JobToGroup[] | Provides a list of groups the fax was emailed to. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
totalRecords | int | Total number of recipients that match query criterion. |
Page | int | The page number that has been called. |
recordsPerPage | int | Number of records returned per call. |
RecipientDetails | recp_track[] | Details of recipients. This is an array of type recp_track. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Error | double | 0 = call completed without error, any other value = call errored out |
ErrorObj | error | See object reference for information on the error data type. |
Jobid | double | This is the job id for the upload job. Use this in the getUploadJobStatus() method to get the status of the upload |
Status | double |
Upload_date | DateTime | Date time at which upload was scheduled. |
Complete_date | DateTime |
Groupid | double | The numerical ID for the group designated for this upload. |
Loginid | double | The numerical ID for the login that initiated this upload. |
Good_records | double |
New_added | double |
Old_updated | double |
Total_records | double |
Replace_group | double | 1 if selected group was to be “replaced”. 0 if recipients were to be “added to” group. |
Update_dups | double | 1 if existing recipients were to be updated; 0 if existing recipients were to be ignored. |
Header | double | 1 if csvData was designated as having a header line; 0 otherwise. |
User_id | string | User ID for the user who initiated this upload |
Mm_filename | string | This Property is for internal Thrive Marketing Enterprise diagnostic purposes only. |
User_filename | string | This Property is for internal Thrive Marketing Enterprise diagnostic purposes only. |
Group_count | double | Number of recipients in the group after the upload is complete. |
Msg | string |
Property | Data Type | Description |
User_id | string | unique string ID used to represent users account |
User_Nbr | int | unique number ID used to represent users account |
hasCustomId | boolean | Whether the user’s account uses custom IDs |
hasFax | boolean | Whether the user’s account is set up for fax |
hasForms | boolean | Whether the user’s account is set up for forms |
req_billing_code | boolean | Whether the user’s account is set up to have billing code as a required Property while sending messages |
req_billing_initials | boolean | Whether the user’s account is set up to have billing initial as a required Property while sending messages |
insertTextUnsubscribe | boolean | Whether the user’s account is set up to automatically insert unsubscribe link in text versions of email |
unsubscribe_type | int |
User’s unsubscribe type. A user account can be set up to have unsubscribe from one group or unsubscribe from all groups.
Property | Data Type | Description |
Website_link_url | string | The website URL. |
Website_link_url_id | int | The internal URL ID. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
suppressBy | enum | Used to identify which recipients should be suppressed. Allowed Values are “CustomId,” “Email,” and “Fax.” |
type | enum | The items being suppressed for the identified recipient. Allowed values “Email,” “Fax,” “EmailAndFax,” “SMS” (EmailAndSms or FaxAndSms or EmailFaxAndSms). |
recipients | array | Array of the Recipients to be suppressed. Only the property being used to identify the Recipient (email or fax for example) is required for each recipient. See Recipient object reference for more details. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
new_added | int | Number of newly added recipients. These recipients are added as suppressed. |
total_updated | int | Number of existing recipients suppressed. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
recipients | array | Array of the Recipients found in search. See Recipient object reference for more details. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
pageNo | int | Which page of the results. |
pageSize | int | Number of recipients per page. |
Id | int | unique id for the recipient. |
string | recipient’s email. | |
first_name | string | recipient’s first name. |
last_name | string | recipient’s last name. |
Fax | string | recipient’s fax. |
Custom_Id | string | recipient’s custom id (valid only if users account is set up for using custom id’s). |
phone | string | recipient’s phone. |
address | string | recipient’s address. |
address_2 | string | recipient’s address 2. |
City | string | recipient’s city. |
State | string | recipient’s state. |
Zip | string | recipient’s zip. |
company | string | recipient’s company. |
suppressed | bool | Whether a recipient was suppressed from receiving any messages. |
suppressed_start_date | DateTime | Earliest date recipients could be suppressed. |
suppressed_end_date | DateTime | Latest date recipient could be suppressed. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Id | int | The numerical, unique ID for the current group. |
Name | string | Name of the group. |
Created | DateTime | The date the group was created. |
DisplayStatus | boolean | Whether the group is hidden or showing in the Thrive Marketing Enterprise web interface. |
SubscriptionGroup | boolean | Whether the group is present or not on the Thrive Marketing Enterprise subscription page. |
LastUpdated | DateTime | The last date the group was updated. |
LastUpdatedLoginId | int | The Login ID of the last user who updated this group. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Group_id | int | The numerical, unique ID for the current group. |
Group_name | string | Name of the group. |
Group_created | DateTime | The date the group was created. |
Display_status | boolean | Whether the group is hidden or showing in the Thrive Marketing Enterprise web interface. |
SubscriptionGroup | boolean | Whether the group is present or not on the Thrive Marketing Enterprise subscription page. |
LastUpdated | DateTime | The last date the group was updated. |
LastUpdatedLoginId | int | The Login ID of the last user who updated this group. |
TotalInGroup | int | Group count. |
TotalEmailAndFaxSup pressed | int | Number of recipients email and fax suppressed. |
TotalFaxSuppressed | int | Number of recipients only fax suppressed. |
TotalEmailSuppressed | int | Number of recipients only email suppressed. |
TotalUnsubscribed | int | Number of unsubscribed recipients. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
UserId | string | The account the unsubscribe belongs to. |
MessageId | int | Message where the unsubscribe request came from. |
GroupId | int | The group that the recipient unsubscribed from |
RecipientId | int | The recipient unsubscribing. |
Id | int | The Id of the unsubscribe request after it has been completed. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Count | int | Number of total items found in search. Useful when paging. |
data | array | Array of MessageLinkTrackingData objects. See reference for more details. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Count | int | Number of total items found in search. Useful when paging. |
data | array | Array of MessageTrackingData objects. See reference for more details. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Count | int | Number of total items found in search. Useful when paging. |
data | array | Array of MessageSentTrackingData objects. See reference for more details. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Count | int | Number of total items found in search. Useful when paging. |
data | array | Array of UnsubscribeTrackingData objects. See reference for more details. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
pageNo | int | Which page of the results. |
pageSize | int | Number of results per page. |
SearchStartDate | DateTime | Earliest search result (from midnight of day entered). |
SearchEndDate | DateTime | Most present search result (until midnight of day entered). |
Property | Data Type | Description |
pageNo | int | Which page of the results. |
pageSize | int | Number of results per page. |
SearchStartDate | DateTime | Earliest search result (from midnight of day entered). |
SearchEndDate | DateTime | Most present search result (until midnight of day entered). |
ReportType | enum | Will default to the type associated with call (e.g., Sent, Open). |
Property | Data Type | Description |
pageNo | int | Which page of the results. |
pageSize | int | Number of results per page. |
SearchStartDate | DateTime | Earliest search result (from midnight of day entered). |
SearchEndDate | DateTime | Most present search result (until midnight of day entered). |
Property | Data Type | Description |
UserId | string | Account. |
MessageId | long | Message Id. |
RecipientId | long | Recipient Id. |
Date | DateTime | Date of activity. |
Url | string | URL of link clicked. |
LinkLabel | string | Label of link clicked. |
LabelText | string | Text associated with link clicked. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
UserId | string | Account |
MessageId | long | Message ID |
RecipientId | long | Recipient ID |
Date | DateTime | Date of activity. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
UserId | string | Account |
MessageId | long | Message ID |
RecipientId | long | Recipient ID |
Date | DateTime | Date of activity |
Status | enum |
Delivery status, including bounce code and sent state; values are: InProgress, Delivered, SoftBounce, HardBounce, UserNotFound, TemporarilyUnavailable, MailboxFull, BadDomain, Failed |
Property | Data Type | Description |
UserId | string | Account |
MessageId | long | Message ID |
RecipientId | long | Recipient ID |
Date | DateTime | Date of activity |
GroupId | long | Group ID |
Property | Data Type | Description |
InitialQueueId | double | The Queue ID provided by the call. |
UserId | string | The User ID which has been used during the call. |
LoginId | double | The Login ID which has been used during the call. |
CsvData | string | The Recipient Data which has been used during the call. |
HasHeaderRow | bool | The Header Row Boolean which has been stated in the call. |
GroupId | int | The Group ID which the recipients have been uploaded to. |
ContainsNonWesternCharacters | bool | The Western Character option which was stated in the call. |
AddReplace | ADD or REPLACE | This option would be ADD if you used ADD for the call and REPLACE if you used REPLACE option for the call. |
UpdateExistingRecipients | bool | This will state if the recipient data has been updated or not. This section will be the same as the call. |
CsvColumnOrder | int | The column order which was created in the call. |
RMColumnName | string | The column name which is associated with the Column order. |
MappingName | string | The Used mapping name in the call. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
fieldId | int | The field ID for the enhanced personalization field |
fieldName | int | The field name as int variable. This should be same as the fieldId |
loginId | int | The login Id that sends the call for GetEnhancedPersonalizedFields() function. |
uploadMappingName | string | The enhanced personalization field mapping name. This mapping name should be used during the uploads with Enhanced personalization fields. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Id | int | This is the ID of the category which has been created. |
Category Name | string | The category name which was defined during the category creation. |
MailUserId | string | The User ID. This should be the same as the User ID in the Authenticate() call. |
LoginId | int | The login ID that created the category. |
Status | boolean | The status of the category. |
DateCreate | DateTime | The date and time that the category was created. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Id | int | This is the ID of the category which has been created. |
Category Name | string | The category name which was defined during the category creation. |
MailUserId | string | The User ID. This should be the same as the User ID in the Authenticate() call. |
LoginId | int | The login ID that created the category. |
DateCreate | DateTime | The date and time that the category was created. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
MessagecategoryId | int | The category IDs |
Property | Data Type | Description |
ID | int | The Personify Subscription Mapping ID |
MailUserID | string | The Mail User ID. |
RealMagnetObjectID | int | The object ID in Thrive Marketing Enterprise for Personify Subscription Mapping. |
RealMagnetObjectName | string | The object Name in Thrive Marketing Enterprise for Personify Subscription Mapping. |
RealMagnetType | string | The object type in Thrive Marketing Enterprise that mapped to Personify. |
PersonifyId | string | The object ID in Personify that mapped to Thrive Marketing Enterprise field Subscription Mapping. |
PersonifyType | string | The object type in Personify that mapped to Thrive Marketing Enterprise field Subscription Mapping. |
CreatedBy | int | The ID of the login that created the mapping. |
DateCreated | DateTime | The date the mapping was created. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Message_Id | int | The Personify Subscription Mapping ID. |
LoginID | int | The Mail User ID. |
Message_Category | int | The object ID in Thrive Marketing Enterprise for Personify Subscription Mapping. |
Template_id | int | The object Name in Thrive Marketing Enterprise for Personify Subscription Mapping. |
User_id | string | The object Name in Thrive Marketing Enterprise for Personify Subscription Mapping. |
Message_name | string | The object Name in Thrive Marketing Enterprise for Personify Subscription Mapping. |
Is_fax_merged | boolean | The object Name in Thrive Marketing Enterprise for Personify Subscription Mapping. |
Is_copy_paste_template | boolean | The object Name in Thrive Marketing Enterprise for Personify Subscription Mapping. |
Is_auto_unsubscrib elink | boolean | The object Name in Thrive Marketing Enterprise for Personify Subscription Mapping. |
CreateDate | date | The object Name in Thrive Marketing Enterprise for Personify Subscription Mapping. |
LastSent | date | The object Name in Thrive Marketing Enterprise for Personify Subscription Mapping. |
CharacterSet | string | The object Name in Thrive Marketing Enterprise for Personify Subscription Mapping. |