In this article, you'll learn how to:
- Add & invite members
- View & search community members
- Add & remove Community Administrators
- Restrict members & remove a restriction
- Remove members from a community
Add & invite members
As an administrator, a task you'll likely perform often is adding members to a community. There are two ways to do so:
- Immediately add new members
- Invite people to join
In this section, we'll learn how to do both.
NOTE: Super Admins can control whether Community Admins have the ability to immediately add new members to their community. If not, Community Admins will only be able to invite new members. Refer to the Configure Add Member Access section below to learn how to configure this setting for your Community Admins.
If you're a Community Admin and are not able to immediately add new members, contact your Super Admin staff and request this access.
Configure Add Member access
Super Admins can control this access at the Community Type level, allowing them to grant this ability to Community Admins on a Type-by-Type basis:
- In the Admin Toolbar, click Admin.
- Navigate to Community > Communities > Types.
- Select the Community Type you want to modify and click Edit at the top right of the page.
- Scroll down to the Permissions area and check the Allow Community Admins to add members without invitation box.
- Click Save in the dialog.
How to add & invite users
- From the community, click Settings.
- Click Add or Invite Others in the resulting menu.
- On the resulting page, you can add people to your invite list by (1) picking them from your Contacts on the Invite Your Contacts tab OR (2) searching ALL users on the Invite Others tab. Searching for users is the typical method, so we'll use that as an example: On the Invite Others tab, provide a first name, last name, company name, and/or email address and click Search.
- Then, check the box by their name and click Add Selected To Invite List in the search results.
- Repeat this step as many times as needed to add everyone you want to add or invite to your invite list.
NOTE: The message users will receive is shown at the top of the page; use the default message provided or update it, as desired.
- Once everyone you want to add or invite has been added to the list:
- Click Invite to send them the invitation email
- OR click Add Immediately to immediately add them to the community.
When adding someone, you'll also need to set their Discussion subscription type (which they can update at any time from their profile, on the My Account > Community Notifications page.
All pending invitations are listed on the Pending Invitation Requests tab. From there, you can view the invitation messages, along with the date they were sent, and resend them, if needed.
View & search community members
If you want to view the community's current members or search for someone in particular, click the Members tab. From here, you can:
- Search for a group of members or a specific member using the available filter criteria.
- View a list of community members, sorted by Name A—Z, by default; use the menus to view members by name, company, city, state, or country, and click the page buttons at the bottom to view more.
This is a great way to find members you want to directly message or add as a Contact (they must approve this action). In addition, you can click Export to compile the community's member list in an Excel or CSV file.
Unable to find a user
It is possible for users to not be "found" when searching. There are two likely reasons for this:
- The user is not included in a Security Group granting IsMember permissions.
- The user has opted to hide their profile from searches.
Each user can self-manage this from their profile (on the My Account > Privacy Settings page) by toggling the "member directory and community rosters" inclusion setting to No. (Yes is the default setting.)
Let's learn what setting this option to No means from the perspective of admins and non-admin users.
- Super Admins can still find these users via the Member Directory and on a community's Members tab (i.e., the "community roster").
- These users are hidden to Community Admins via the Member Directory, but not on their community's Members tab (this ensures a Community Admin can always manage their specific members).
- These users are hidden from all other non-admin users on both the Member Directory page and community Members tab.
Essentially, users who choose to hide themselves via this setting will still be found by admins but will remain hidden to non-admins.
Add & remove Community Administrators
Over the lifespan of a community, it's likely new Community Administrators will be needed and existing ones may no longer fulfill that role. So, let's take a look at how to grant and remove Community Admin access:
- From the community, click Settings.
- Click Members in the resulting menu.
- Click the Edit Roles button associated to the user you want to grant or remove access to/from.
- Check the Community Admin box to control their access.
Restrict members & remove a restriction
You may occasionally come across a member who isn't respecting the community's Code of Conduct; if needed, you can restrict these members from posting any further messages in the community's Discussion. Often, these users will respect the rules once reminded of them, so let's learn how to both restrict a member and remove a current restriction:
NOTE: Restricted members are blocked from participating in community Discussions (posting, replying, and forwarding). While the restriction is in place, they're still able to read messages and participate in other community activity, however.
- From the community, click Settings.
- Click Members in the resulting menu.
This is the community's Manage Community Members page. From here, you can apply a restriction and remove one.
Restricting members
Select Restrict from the user's associated Actions menu. This user is moved to the Restricted Members tab, where you can remove their restriction at any time.
Removing a restriction
- Navigate to the Restricted Members tab.
- Select Remove Restriction from the user's associated Actions menu to remove their restriction. They can once again post messages in the community's Discussion.
Remove members from a community
There are a number of reasons why you may need to remove a member from a community, so let's learn how should the need ever arise:
- From the community, click Settings.
- Click Members in the resulting menu.
- Select Remove from the user's associated Actions menu, followed by Yes- Remove in the confirmation pop-up. The user is immediately removed from the community.