The complexity of event-creation is highly dependent on the type of event being created. For example, creating a monthly webinar that only requires attendees to RSVP requires far less configuration than a multi-day event with a full agenda (e.g., sessions, registration add-ons, etc.).
Much of the complexity is determined by the Event Type, which you select when creating the event. Event Types control the features and settings that can be configured; you can think of them as templates that dictate which building blocks are available, with the most important being the registration process.
Event registration types
Event Manager offers five event registration types.
TIP: Click a registration type to view the associated article for steps on creating that type of event.
- No Registration - For events you simply want to add to your Event Calendar to keep your members aware of your organization's upcoming events.
- Link to External Registration System - For events where registration is handled by a third-party system. You'll provide the link to your registration system during event creation.
- RSVP Only Registration - For events where formal registration (or payment) isn't required but users still must acknowledge their attendance by RSVP. This enables an attendee roster to be tracked, which is perfect for events like webinars, fun-runs, and various work functions. Only users with accounts on your site can RSVP.
- Simple Registration - For smaller events where registration is desired but sessions and registration add-ons aren't needed. Generally, simple member/non-member pricing is used for this type of registration, but more complex pricing can be set up, if needed.
- Full Registration - For large, multi-day events (e.g., an annual conference). This is the only registration type allowing for the creation of sessions and registration add-ons.