To access the Events list page, where you can create and manage your events:
- Access the Admin interface.
- Navigate to Events > List.
Create an event
Creating an event is a multi-step process; to begin, enter a name in the Create New Event field and click Go. If there's more than one folder, first select which folder to add the event to, and then click Go.
NOTE: When sending messages or linking a survey or event to a message, all of its associated assets (messages, groups, surveys, and events) must share the same folder or errors will result. See Folders to learn more about folders and assets.
On the resulting page, you'll begin the event-creation process, which comprises six primary steps. In the following sections, we'll examine each of these steps in detail.
TIP: Completed steps are represented by green circles; red are incomplete. You can quickly navigate between your completed steps at any time by clicking the numbered circles.
Step 1 - Select template
Up first, you'll be prompted to select an event template. Here, you can choose an existing template or create a new one.
- Click Select to use a template or Preview to view it in a pop-up without navigating away from the page.
- To create a template, hover over the More menu at the upper right and select Create/Edit Event Template. See Event Templates to learn more.
Step 2 - Add content to Home Page
After selecting your template, you’re taken to the event's Home Page form, which is the main page for creating event content. Here, two buttons are available:
- Add Text
- Add Item
Adding text
Click Add Text to add an event description/instructions or other pertinent content, such as images or links. You can add as many text fields as you need, which is a great way to provide contextual event information or instructions on the event form.
You can add text using one of two editors:
- WYSIWYG editor - This is the default method. In this editor, type your question in the available text editor; you can perform typical tasks like formatting your font and text size, adding images, inserting links, and attaching documents; you can even click the Source button to edit the HTML for the text for even more control.
- Copy-Paste editor - Switch to this editor by selecting it from the dropdown. Use it to insert code you want to include from another source.
Adding items
You can add two item types: Paid Items and Form Field Items. To begin, click Add Item on the Home Page form and select the desired option at the top of the resulting dialog.
Paid Items
Step 1
With Paid Item selected, configure the following options:
- The first step when adding a Paid Item is deciding on an item type, which determines how your item(s) are presented: as check boxes, radio buttons, or items in a drop-down menu.
- Then, give the Paid Item a title (e.g., Webinar Series).
- Set the alignment of the Paid Item title (left, center, or right).
- Set the Enable Multiple Registration for event Signup option to Yes if you want registrants to be able to register multiple people.
NOTE: This option's setting determines the discount rules you can apply for your Paid Item.
- If you're creating multiple items, like a multi-part webinar series, you can define discount rules to give registrants incentive to make a purchase (refer to the Discount Rules section below to learn more.
- Decide whether attendees must select at least one item (this is only applicable if you're creating a Paid Item with multiple items, like a three-month webinar series).
NOTE: For radio buttons and drop-down lists, you can enable the quantity feature for items in the group, enabling people to purchase more than one type of item. This is generally only applicable for merchandise type offerings, like E-books and other downloadable items.
When finished, click Submit to display a new dialog where you can add your first item.
Step 2
Now, configure your first item using the following options:
Field | Description |
Item Title | Give your item a title (e.g., Webinar: Empower Your Members). |
Date & Time / End Date & Time | In these two fields, use the menus to select the date/time your item is available or occurring. For example, for a webinar, you'd select the day and time it's occurring, and how long it's scheduled to last. |
Enable Add To Calendar | Controls whether registrants can add this event to their personal calendar (e.g., add an event to their Outlook calendar, complete with a notification). |
Sign-up Closing Date & Time | Select the date/time this item will no longer be available for registration or purchase.
For example, if you're hosting a webinar on November 20th, 2019 and want to close registration two days prior, you'd select November 18th, 2019. |
Time Zone | Select the time zone applicable to your item. |
Maximum Registrations | If you're creating an item (e.g., a webinar), enter the maximum number of registrations possible. If you're selling something, enter the maximum number available. |
Maximum Registrations Per Registrant | Define the maximum number of your item available to each registrant/purchaser. For example, if selling an audio book and only have 50 copies, you can limit how many each person can buy to ensure as many people as possible can purchase one. |
Price | Three pricing methods are available:
Select a Group to Subscribe Registrants | You can add all registrants/purchasers of your item to a group, making it easier to perform follow-up messaging and other tasks.
You can choose to add individuals to an existing group OR create a new group. |
Display Status | Determines whether your item is visible or hidden. Making items hidden is a great way to create items in advance and only make them visible when you're ready to advertise them. |
Display text for this item | If set to Yes, a text editor displays where you can use the WYSIWYG editor to enter the text you want to display for your item; additional options become available, also, allowing you to:
When you have finished configuring your item:
- Click Submit to finish the Paid Item creation process; if you're only selling/offering a single item, this is the option for you.
- Click Submit & Create Another Item to add an additional item to your Paid Item; this essentially enables you to sell/offer multiple items with the Paid Item. For example, if your Paid Item is a three-part webinar series, click this button so you can add the other two webinars in the series.
Discount Rules
When configuring a Paid Item, you can apply several types of discount rules, which are mostly applicable if you're selling multiple items or allowing a single person to register multiple registrants.
An important note to keep in mind is the available discounts change depending on whether Enable Multiple Registration for event Signup option is set to Yes or No.
If set to NO
Discount when ALL Items are Purchased - If ALL items in the group are purchased then a total discounted price is applied.
Example: A customer is promoting a series of three audio conferences. Each single audio conference costs $75. If the registrant purchases ALL three the total discounted price is $180. This rule applies ONLY if the registrant purchases EVERY one of the items in the group. If not, then the individual pricing per item is applied. -
Same Discount for Each Item - If more than one item in the group is purchased then the price of EACH item is discounted by the same amount. All items in the group must have the same initial price.
Example: A customer is offering a Webinar series consisting of three Webinars over a three month period. Each individual Webinar costs $100. If the registrant purchases only one Webinar the cost is $100 (total cost $100). If the registrant purchases two Webinars in the series then the price of EACH Webinar is $90 (total cost $180). If the registrant purchases three Webinars in the series then the price of EACH Webinar is $80 (total cost $270). -
Different Discount for Each Item - You define specific prices for EACH item when more than one item in a group is purchased.
Example: A customer is offering a Webinar series consisting of three Webinars over a three month period. Each individual Webinar costs $100. If the registrant purchases only one in the series then the price is $100. If the registrant purchase 2 in the series, then the cost of the first Webinar is $100 and the cost of the second is $90 (total cost $190). If the registrant purchase 3 in the series then the cost of the first Webinar is $100, the cost of the second Webinar is $90 and the cost of the third webinars is $70 (total cost $260). -
Combination Discount - User defines discount price for specific combinations of
items within a group.
Example: A customer is offering a Webinar ($100) as well as a CD version ($25) and a printed booklet ($50). They want to provide various discounts if the registrant purchases a combination of the services. There are 4 possibilities:
Items | Individual Prices | Discount Price |
Webinar & CD | $100.00 + $25.00 = $125.00 | $100.00 |
Webinar & Booklet | $100.00 + $50.00 = $150.00 | $130.00 |
CD & Booklet | $25.00 + $50.00 = $75.00 | $60.00 |
Webinar, Booklet, & CD | $100.00 + $50.00 +$25.00 = $175.00 | $150.00 |
Percentage Discount - If registrant purchases more than one item in the group, apply a specific percentage discount to the entire purchase.
Example: A customer is offering a Webinar series consisting of three Webinars (Webinar A, Webinar B and Webinar C). Each individual Webinar costs $100. The customer is offering a 15% discount if the registrant purchases more than one Webinar in the series:
Items | Individual Prices | 15% Discount | Total Price |
Only 1 Webinar | $100.00 | No discount | $100.00 |
Webinar A & B | $100.00 + $100.00 = $200.00 | $30.00 | $170.00 |
Webinar B & C | $100.00 + $100.00 = $200.00 | $30.00 | $170.00 |
Webinar A & C | $100.00 + $100.00 = $200.00 | $30.00 | $170.00 |
Webinar A, B, C | $100.00 + $100.00 + $100.00 = $300.00 | $45 | $255.00 |
If set to YES
- Group Discount Rule for Single Item (Same Price per Registrant) - If registrant registers MORE than one registrant in a single sign up session.
Example: A customer is promoting a Webinar. The price for a single sign up is $125. If the person signs up two registrants the cost for EACH registrant is $110. If they sign up three registrants the cost for EACH registrant is $100, etc. - Group Discount for Single Item (Different Price Per Registrant) - If registrant registers MORE than one registrant in a single sign up session different prices are assigned to each of the multiple registrants.
Example: A customer is promoting a Webinar. The price for a single sign up is $125. If the person signs up three registrants cost of the first registrant is $125, cost of the second registrant is $110, cost of the third registrant is $100. -
Percentage Group Discount for Single Item - If registrant registers MORE than one registrant then a percentage discount is applied to the entire transaction.
Example: A customer is promoting a Webinar. The price for a single sign up is $125. If the person signs up more than one registrant varying percentage discounts are applied.
Form Field Items
If you've ever created a survey, this process is nearly identical. In the editor, type your question or form field text in the associated text box (you're limited to 500 characters); using the editor, you can perform typical tasks like formatting your font and text size, adding images, inserting links, and attaching documents; you can even click the Source button to edit the HTML for the question text.
Next, select whether it's a required field, and choose a field type (e.g., drop-down list, check box, radio button, text field, etc.).
Based on the selected field type, additional options become available, such as the number of answers you want to provide. When finished, click Add. If a multiple choice field type, you'll define the answers on the next page.
Available field types
Type | Description |
Drop down list (multiple choice – single answer) | Respondents open a drop-down menu and select one answer. |
Check boxes (multiple choice – multiple answers) | Respondents check off one or more answers in a list. |
Radio buttons (multiple choice – single answer) | Respondents see all answers listed and select one. |
1-Line text box | Respondents enter a brief text answer. |
Multi-Line text box | Respondents can enter a longer text answer. |
Multiple select box (multiple choice – multiple answers) | Respondents can select one or more answers from a list of options. |
Date field | Respondents enter a date. |
Matrix (multiple choice – single answer) | Respondents are given a table, and select an answer for each row. (This is good for satisfaction surveys: for example, rating services on a 1-5 scale.) |
Ranking question using text boxes | Respondents rank options by entering a number next to each one. |
Constant sum | Respondents rank options by giving a score to each. The scores must add up to a constant value. (This option is good for weighing preferences with a percentage – e.g., 50% for option 1, 25% for option 2, 15% for option 3, 10% for option 4.) |
Matrix (multiple choice – multiple answers) | Respondents are given a table, and can select more than one option for each row. |
Adding answers
If you chose a multiple choice field type such as a drop-down list or check boxes, you'll need to define the answers or choices you want your respondents to select from. Add them in the available fields, select whether one answer is the default option, and then click Add.
Conditional branching
For the drop-down list and radio button field types, you can define conditional branching so specific answers or choices "branch" off to a Paid Item. An example of when you might want to do this is for questions or choices that logically indicate a respondents interest in a paid item, such as a future webinar or event series.
EXAMPLE: You're hosting a webinar series each month. In November's series, your event includes a question asking whether attendees are interested in attending more webinars in the future. If someone answers "Yes," they're given an opportunity to sign up for webinars in the December series.
To branch a question or choice to a paid item, click the Branch to a Paid Item button. In the resulting dialog, you'll need to create a Paid Item to branch to specifically for this event Item. Refer to the Paid Items section above to learn more about creating paid items.
NOTE: Once you've branched to a paid item, it cannot be undone. If you no longer want or need branching for an item, you'll need to delete and recreate it.
Arrange Items & Text fields on the event form
You can drag and drop Items and Text fields directly on the Event form to arrange them in any order you'd like. When you hover your cursor over a question or text field, you'll notice it turns into a cross-directional arrow; click and drag the field to the desired location.
Content management
Beneath each Text or Item option for your event is a row of action buttons:
- Click Add Text to add a Text field to the form. Refer to the Adding text section above to learn more.
- Click Add Item to add a Paid Item or Form Field Item to the form. Refer to the Adding items section above to learn more.
- Click Edit to make updates to a Text field, Paid Item, or Form Field Item, like its answers (if applicable) and its settings (e.g., whether its required).
- Click Delete, followed by OK in the a confirmation pop-up to permanently remove the field.
WARNING: A deleted field cannot be recovered. All related answers and data are also deleted.
- (Paid Items only) Click Define Layout to configure a number of aspects of a Paid Item option. You can set the sort order of the items, define the date/time format, choose whether to display column headings, and if so, edit their names, set a background color for alternate table rows for more visual distinction, and more.
- (Drop-down list and radio button Form Field Items only) Click Branch to a Paid Item to define conditional branching so specific answers or choices "branch" off to a Paid Item. Refer to the Conditional branching section above to learn more.
When finished adding your event form content, click Next to move on to Step 3.
Step 3 - Configure Registration/Payment pages
At this point, select whether to combine the registration and payment information onto a single page OR have separate pages for each.
NOTE: If combining the two pages, click Advanced to choose whether to have a one-, two-, or three-column layout for the page.
Edit the Registration page
The default Registration page has four fields:
- Introductory text - You can edit or delete this field. This text is meant to explain the purpose of this page.
- First name - You can edit this field's title but it cannot be deleted (it's a required field).
- Last name - You can edit this field's title but it cannot be deleted (it's a required field).
- Email - You can edit this field's title but it cannot be deleted (it's a required field).
Click Add Text to an a text item to the page, if additional descriptions or instructions are needed. Refer to the Adding text section above to learn more.
Click Add Item to add a Form Field Item to the page. Refer to the Form Field Items section above to learn more.
TIP: You can drag and drop these fields to arrange them in any order you'd like. When you hover your cursor over a question or text field, you'll notice it turns into a cross-directional arrow; click and drag the field to the desired location.
When finished editing the Registration page, click Next to move on to the Payment page.
Edit the Payment page
The default Payment page has six fields, and almost all of them pertain to credit card information:
- Introductory text - You can edit or delete this field. This text is meant to explain the purpose of this page.
- Name as it appears on card - You can edit this field's title but it cannot be deleted (it's a required field).
- Credit card type - You can edit this field's title but it cannot be deleted (it's a required field).
- Card number - You can edit this field's title but it cannot be deleted (it's a required field).
- Card identification number - You can edit this field's title but it cannot be deleted (it's a required field).
- Expiration date - You can edit this field's title but it cannot be deleted (it's a required field).
Click Add Text to an a text item to the page, if additional descriptions or instructions are needed. Refer to the Adding text section above to learn more.
Click Add Item to add a Form Field Item to the page. Refer to the Form Field Items section above to learn more.
TIP: You can drag and drop these fields to arrange them in any order you'd like. When you hover your cursor over a question or text field, you'll notice it turns into a cross-directional arrow; click and drag the field to the desired location.
At the bottom of the page, you can check the Address Verification Service check box to enable this service. To learn more about this feature, please click the What's this? link on the page.
When finished, click Next to move on to Step 4.
Step 4 - Configure Review page
First, decide whether you want to offer registrants a chance to review their selections before completing their registration or purchasing the product (this is typically recommended, and is the default setting).
- If you don't, simply select No and click Next to move on to the next step.
If you do, leave it set to Yes and review the form to see if you want to make any changes.
- You can edit the title text for each section (click the Edit buttons to the right of a section). By default, the form has four sections: Selections, Registration Details, Purchases, and Payment Details.
- You can edit the section background color by clicking a section's Edit button and either entering a hex number in the Background Color field or clicking Pick a Color to use the color picker tool. Note that picking a color applies it globally to ALL sections.
- At the top and bottom of the form are two text fields, one that is meant to explain the purpose of the page and one that explains what happens when registrants submit their payment. You can edit the default text or remove these fields altogether.
When finished, click Next to move on to Step 5.
Step 5 - Configure Confirmation page
The Confirmation page informs the registrant that their purchase is complete, and includes several sections summarizing their purchase and payment details. While you can choose which sections, and therefore details, to include and exclude, the best practice is to include them all to give registrants as much information as possible.
Just like the Review page, review the form to see if you want to make any changes.
- You can edit the title text for each section (click the Edit buttons to the right of a section). The form has five sections: Purchases, Total, Selections, Registration Details, and Payment Details. To the right of each section is the Include check box; check/uncheck these boxes to include/exclude a section on the form.
- You can edit the section background color by clicking a section's Edit button and either entering a hex number in the Background Color field or clicking Pick a Color to use the color picker tool. Note that picking a color applies it globally to ALL sections.
- At the top and bottom of the form are two text fields. If you'd like to edit the default text, click Edit; if you'd like to delete one or both of these fields, click Delete.
When finished, click Next to move on to Step 6.
Step 6 - Manage event emails
For this step, you can manage two event emails: the Confirmation email and the Reminder email.
Confirmation email
To manage the Confirmation email, select its radio button and click Next. You'll then be informed that, by default, the Confirmation email is disabled, and you must manually enable it if you want it sent. To enable it, check the Do you want a Confirmation Email for this event? box and click Next.
On the resulting page, you can manage various aspects of the email, each discussed below.
Preview the email
At the upper right, click the Preview HTML Version and Preview Text Version icons to preview the email in a new window.
Apply a template
If you'd like to use a specific template for your Confirmation email, click the Change Template icon at the upper right.
On the resulting page, the current template is highlighted yellow; you can preview any available templates and click Select to choose a new one.
NOTE: These custom templates must be created by Higher Logic for your account. If you would like assistance with template creation, create a case.
Manage text and sections
In the middle of the page, you can update the following aspects of the email message:
- You can edit the title text for each section (click the Edit buttons to the right of a section). The email has five sections: Purchases, Total, Selections, Registration Details, and Payment Details. To the right of each section is the Include check box; check/uncheck these boxes to include/exclude a section in the message.
- You can edit the section background color by clicking a section's Edit button and either entering a hex number in the Background Color field or clicking Pick a Color to use the color picker tool. Note that picking a color applies it globally to ALL sections.
- At the top and bottom of the form are two text fields. If you'd like to edit the default text, click Edit; if you'd like to delete one or both of these fields, click Delete.
Update email details
At the bottom of the page, take a moment to ensure the From address is correct, enter any BCC addresses that may be applicable, and enter a subject line.
When finished, click Next to return to the Step 6 landing page, where you can manage the Reminder email, if necessary.
Reminder email
To manage the Reminder email, select its radio button and click Next.
On the next page, you'll be prompted to either create or schedule reminder emails. Let's take a look at the process for each.
Create emails
To create reminder emails, select its associated radio button and click Next. On the resulting page, enter a name for your message in the Create New Message field and click Go. You'll be prompted to select a message template (these are the templates available on the Admin > Messages > Assets > Template Library page).
After selecting a template, you can manage the content to include in the message:
- You can edit the title text for each section (click the Edit buttons to the right of a section). The email has five sections: Purchases, Total, Selections, Registration Details, and Payment Details. To the right of each section is the Include check box; check/uncheck these boxes to include/exclude a section in the message.
- You can edit the section background color by clicking a section's Edit button and either entering a hex number in the Background Color field or clicking Pick a Color to use the color picker tool. Note that picking a color applies it globally to ALL sections.
- At the top and bottom of the form are two text fields. If you'd like to edit the default text, click Edit; if you'd like to delete one or both of these fields, click Delete.
Schedule emails
To schedule emails, select its associated radio button and click Next.
By default, no reminder emails are scheduled to be sent for a new event. To add them, click Add Reminder.
Scheduling a reminder involves configuring three main sections:
Schedule Reminder
In this section:
- give the reminder email a name,
- select the reminder message to send (it must already be created; refer to Create emails above to learn more),
- set the date/time to send the reminder,
- and enter the email's From Address and Subject Line.
Select Recipients
This is where you choose who to send the reminder email to. You have three options:
- Check the All Registrants box to send the reminder to everyone.
- Filter registrants based on the Paid Item. Each item being sold is listed in the Filter Registrants area, and you can check the boxes to the right to filter the email to only registrants who purchased a specific item(s). You can also use the AND/OR radio buttons to further control how the email is filtered.
- Check the Send Reminder only to Payment Due Registrants box to send the reminder only to registrants who have a payment due.
Select Paid Items
Here, you can choose which Paid Items to include in the reminder email, allowing you to control the items listed in the message. To include/exclude an item, check its associated box to the right.