I. Scope of Work
Subscriber has requested that Higher Logic, LLC (Higher Logic) migrate data to their Higher Logic Thrive Community (HLTC) instance (the “Data Migration”). The Data Migration includes the following:
Migration of up to 100,000 objects of up to 4 object types (as referenced in the Data Migration Technical Worksheet) from a single data source where data is provided in a structured data format (e.g. csv, Excel, json, xml, etc.); a directory of files must also be provided in order to migrate such objects (e.g. files attached to discussion posts) and the data must clearly indicate the full file path to the file(s) for each object (the “dataset”). Higher Logic may require an addendum to this Statement of Work (SOW) that clearly outlines how the dataset will be migrated.
Conversion of inline images/files and interior links to migrated content may be included at the discretion of the assigned Higher Logic Data Engineer. Conversion of @mentions and #hashtags not included.
Data will be migrated as is. Higher Logic will not correct spelling, encoding, or other issues that may be present in the source data provided. If possible, upon review of the sample dataset, Higher Logic may provide feedback on these issues so that Subscriber may correct them before submitting the final dataset to be migrated. Once the data is migrated, correction of the data in the HLTC is the responsibility of Subscriber.
Subscriber will assign a single point of contact (POC) to function as Subscriber's project coordinator and will serve as the primary channel of communication throughout the Data Migration.
II. Deliverables
Two rounds of data (i.e. two full datasets) migrated to Subscriber’s HLTC instance as described in the Scope of Work. The first round may be scheduled approximately 4-6 weeks from SOW signature; the second round may be scheduled approximately 2-4 weeks thereafter. If the date requested by Subscriber is unavailable, Higher Logic will provide the next available date. Higher Logic will not perform the Data Migration on non-business days such as weekends and holidays. Once scheduled, Subscriber must provide a full dataset approximately 2-5 days before the agreed upon start date for the round. Data migrated in the first round will be deleted ahead of the second round. Therefore, a full dataset is expected for the second round.
III. One Time Fee
One-time fee of $5,000. Invoiced upon signature.
For the avoidance of doubt, any changes to the Scope of Work set forth herein may result in additional fees which will be invoiced separately.