The Higher Logic Admin interfaces have two on-page features that make it easier for you to:
- get page-specific help,
- watch task-based instructional videos,
- access HUG activities, and
- stay up to date on product changes.
These two integrated features are:
- Resource Center - a dropdown component that has several modules that serve as an access point to a variety of helpful content and links.
In-app Help - which appears as a fly-in panel that has:
- "how-to" content that is specific to the current page so that you can get help without leaving the page and
- links to relevant knowledge base articles if you want to learn more.
Resource Center basics
Resource Center is both product-specific and admin-specific. This means that when you're logged in to the Admin interface, Resource Center knows who you are and which product you're managing—and serves up content based on these factors.
For example:
- The Product Updates and Quickstart Guides modules present content to you that is specific to your product only. You won't get updates about other Higher Logic products!
- The Knowledge Base module only presents content that is relevant to your product.
NOTE: If you have a "joint tenant" (a Community product and a Marketing product), knowledge base modules for both products will be presented.
Access Resource Center
When you are in any Higher Logic Admin interface, Resource Center is loaded and waiting.
To open Resource Center:
- Click the
icon in the upper right of any Admin page.
Resource Center opens in the upper right of the page.
NOTE: Resource Center is anchored in the upper right; it cannot be repositioned. To see more of the Admin page, click the X or the icon to hide Resource Center.
New-content bubble
Resource Center also uses your login to let you know when there's new, unviewed content.
The icon displays a new-content bubble with a cumulative count of new content items.
Any modules that have new content also display their own module-specific new-content bubble.
- As you access each of these modules, the cumulative count decreases and each module-specific bubble disappears.
- After you've accessed all of the modules with new content, the cumulative count bubble disappears.
When we add content to Resource Center, the new-content bubbles once again display to let you know that there's fresh content for you.
Resource Center is essentially a hub through which you can access a variety of information that is relevant to your Higher Logic experience. Resource Center hosts a collection of modules, each of which presents information in a unique way.
For example, you could learn how to manage Users by:
- reading articles via the Knowledge Base module, or
- doing a self-guided "how-to" tour in Quickstart Guides, or
- doing both!
How you chose to consume the information is up to you.
TIP: We recommend that you make the most of the Quickstart Guides and Knowledge Base modules. These two can be especially useful, and we encourage you to familiarize yourself with them.
In-app Help
In addition to Resource Center, don't forget to also check out and use our in-app Help.
NOTE: The in-app Help content is distinct from Resource Center; but, like Resource Center, it is specific to the page you're on.
To access in-app Help:
- Click the question mark (?) icon in the upper right of any Admin page.
The in-app Help panel expands on the right side of the page.
In-app Help:
- is specific to the current page,
- has Learn more... links to knowledge base articles,
- describes the tasks that you can perform on the page, and
- has a scroll bar if there is additional Help content.
Click the X or the question mark (?) icon to close the Help panel.