The "assets" in your account (e.g., messages, events, campaigns, etc.) are unique to your account.
See Understand Enterprise Assets for a complete list of assets, including which are considered Enterprise assets.
Each asset is "owned" by the individual who created it, unless the asset is "shared."
If an asset is not shared and the owner's user account is deactivated (for whatever reason), that asset becomes "orphaned."
Typically, asset ownership is managed on the Asset Management page (Settings > Assets) in Admin. On that page, however, Admins can manage only the Enterprise assets of active individuals.
So, in the case of assets that are owned by a deactivated individual (also referred to as a "login"), Admins can use the Enterprise by Login tool to assign access to those orphaned Enterprise assets to active users so that the asset can be used and managed. Admins can assign access:
- to an individual (i.e., by login) or
- to an Enterprise Team.
This article describes how Admins can re-assign orphaned Enterprise assets (from deactivated individuals) to an active individual or to an Enterprise Team.
You have determined that an asset (Message-ABC) cannot be used because it is owned by <deactivated_user_Juan>. In order to to be able to use Message-ABC, you have to assign the login <deactivated_user_Juan> to either:
- an active individual who can then access and use Message-ABC because that individual is the "new owner" of Message-ABC
- an Enterprise Team, in which case, all members of the Team can access and use Message-ABC because it now belongs to the Team, rather than an individual.
Access the Enterprise by Login page
To access the Enterprise by Login page and manage orphaned assets:
- Access the Admin interface.
- Navigate to Settings > Permissions > Enterprise by Login.
The Select Login dropdown on the Enterprise Login page is where you choose whether to assign a deactivated user's assets to:
- to an individual user (i.e., by login) who then would be the new "owner" of the asset) OR...
- to an Enterprise Team, so that everyone on the Team can access and use the asset.
- Make a selection and then click Go.
The sections that follow guide you through the steps for each of these options.
Assign Access by Individual User
Use this option to assign a deactivated user's assets to an individual.
- On the Master Login page, click the dropdown to select an individual login and click Submit.
- On the Manage Individual Login page, click the deactivated user's login (which is prepended with DEACTIVATED_) and click the double-right caret icon (>>) to move the login to the Members box.
This assigns all of the deactivated user's assets to the user login that was selected on the Master Login page.
TIP: While on this page, you can:
1) Assign additional deactivated users' assets to the Master Login.
2) Multi-select logins in both boxes by using the Ctrl (Windows) or command (Mac) key to select non-consecutive logins or the Shift key (Windows and Mac) to select consecutive logins.
3) Choose a login in the Members box click the double-left caret icon (<<) to remove the login.
- Click Submit.
TIP: Refer to Manage Enterprise Teams on the Manage Individual Logins page, below, for information on the options in the lower portion of the page.
You are returned to the Enterprise Login page where a confirmation message displays at the top.
The deactivated user's assets are now owned by the Master Login.
You can view asset-ownership assignments in the Asset Ownership History section of the Asset Management page (Admin > Settings > Assets) as described in Manage Enterprise Assets.
Assign Access by Creating Teams
Use this option to assign a deactivated user's assets to an Enterprise Team.
On this page, you can:
- edit a Team by assigning assets to it;
- create a Team and assign assets to it; or
delete a Team.
WARNING: This option does not present a confirmation message; the Team is immediately deleted.
The following instructions focus on the edit option, in which a deactivated user's assets are assigned to an existing Enterprise Team.
- On the Team-management page, click the Edit Team dropdown to select an Enterprise Team, and click Go.
- On the Manage Team page, click the deactivated user's login (which is prepended with DEACTIVATED_) and click the double-right caret icon (>>) to move the login to the Members box.
This assigns all of the deactivated user's assets to the Enterprise Team that was selected on the the Team-management page.
TIP: While on this page, you can:
1) Assign additional deactivated users' assets to this Enterprise Team.
2) Multi-select logins in both boxes by using the Ctrl (Windows) or command (Mac) key to select non-consecutive logins or the Shift key (Windows and Mac) to select consecutive logins.
3) Choose a login in the Members box click the double-left caret icon (<<) to remove the login from the Team.
- Click Submit.
You are returned to the Enterprise Login page where a confirmation message displays at the top.
The deactivated user's assets are now assigned to the selected Enterprise Team and available to all members of that Team.
You can view asset-ownership assignments in the Asset Ownership History section of the Asset Management page (Admin > Settings > Assets) as described in Manage Enterprise Assets.
Manage Enterprise Teams on the Manage Individual Logins page
When you choose the Assign Access by Individual User option, the lower portion of the Manage Individual Login page displays a list of the Enterprise Teams that the selected login belongs to.
NOTE: If the selected login does not belong to any Enterprise Teams, "The selected user is not part of any Teams" displays.
For any listed Team, you can:
- Click the red-circled X to remove the user (login) from that Team.
- This happens immediately; you are not prompted to confirm the removal.
- Click the pencil icon to open that Team's Manage Team page where you can add and remove Members.
- Be sure to click Submit to save your Team changes.
Related articles
- Understand Enterprise Assets provides a comprehensive look at Enterprise Assets and how they work in your account.
- To learn how to change assets' owners and hide assets that you no longer need, see Manage Enterprise Assets.