This article discusses the distinctions between and impact of the deactivate, delete, and remove options in your Higher Logic site.
NOTE: On the Admin tab of user profile pages, there is a disable option (refer to User Profile page, below). This has the same affect as the Users List page deactivate option.
Manage user accounts and data
As a Super Admin, you have a few options when it comes to managing user accounts and data. You can:
- Deactivate a user's account (refer to Deactivate a user account, below),
- Delete a user's personal data (refer to Delete a user's personal data, below), and/or
- Remove a user from the community (refer to Remove a user from the community, below).
You take these actions in different places and they have very different results. They are designed to be used independently but can be used together for more comprehensive user-management.
IMPORTANT: The behavior of the Deactivate and Delete actions is the same in AMS-managed Higher Logic sites, and these actions will not be overwritten by a sync with the integrated AMS database.
If you have an AMS-managed Higher Logic site, do not use the Remove option to remove a member from the Community. Manage community memberships in the AMS/CRM database only.
Deactivate a user account
Deactivating a user's account prevents the user from logging in to your site. It has no impact on any activities in your Community (such as discussion posts and library uploads) that the user had performed prior to being deactivated. A deactivated user can be reactivated, and their access will be restored.
NOTE: This action is independent of the other actions that are discussed in this article and can be done independently or in conjunction with them.
User accounts can be deactivated in three places.
Users List page, Enabled list
NOTE: The instructions below are included as a quick reference for this topic. This page and its options are fully documented in Manage Users.
- Navigate to Users > List.
- Select a user record, click More, and then choose Deactivate.
The user record moves to the Deactivated list.
TIP: This can also be done "in bulk" by multi-selecting user records as described in Manage Users.
NOTE: You can reactivate user accounts with the Enable button on the Deactivated list page.
NOTE: The Delete option in the More dropdown menu takes you to the Manage Compliance page where you can delete a user's identifying information. Refer to Delete a user's personal data, below, for information about this option.
Users List page, Deactivated list
NOTE: The instructions below are included as a quick reference for this topic. This page and its options are fully documented in Manage Users.
To deactivate user records:
- Navigate to Users > List.
- Click the dropdown to the right of the page title and choose Deactivated.
- Click the plus symbol (+) to the right of the page title.
- Click into the Select… field and choose one or several user records to deactivate.
- Specify the reason for the deactivation.
- Click Deactivate.
TIP: You can select a user and click Enable to reactivate that user's account. This can be done "in bulk," too, by multi-selecting user records.
NOTE: The Delete button at the top right takes you to the Manage Compliance page where you can delete a user's identifying information. Refer to Delete a user's personal data, below, for information about this option.
User Profile page
- Navigate to a user's profile and click the Admin tab.
- Click the DISABLE THIS ACCOUNT button.
NOTE: The button is automatically relabeled as ENABLE THIS ACCOUNT. You can return here and click it to reactivate the user's account (or use the steps in the previous section).
Delete a user's personal data
Super Admins can delete a user's identifying information from all of their posted content; the content remains in place and intact, but it is "anonymized."
NOTE: This action is independent of the other actions that are discussed in this article and can be done independently or in conjunction with them.
Manage Compliance page
NOTE: The instructions below are included as a quick reference for this topic. This page and its options are fully documented in Compliance, Activity Requests, and Data Deletion.
- Navigate to Settings > Security > Compliance.
- Search for a user.
- In the results list, click the down arrow on the dropdown for the intended user and choose Delete Individual Data.
- On the Delete Individual Data page, click Delete Individual Data and, in the confirmation dialog, click Delete to permanently delete the user's personal data from their contributions.
The user's personal information is permanently removed from all of their contributions across your site. In the image above, the content will remain in the discussions, but readers can no longer see who created the content.
You can also access this page from the Users List page:
- Enabled list - Select a user, click More, and then choose Delete.
- Deactivated list - Select a user and then click the Delete button.
Both of these actions open the Manage Compliance page in a new tab.
Remove a user from the community
Super Admins can remove a user from a community for any number of reasons. The remove action:
- Is specific to the community in which the action was taken.
- Removes the user from the community, but does not affect any of their posted content; the content remains in place and intact.
IMPORTANT: If you have an AMS-managed Higher Logic site, do not use this option to remove a member from the Community. Manage Community memberships in the AMS/CRM database only.
NOTE: This action is independent of the other actions that are discussed in this article and can be done independently or in conjunction with them.
Manage Community Members page
NOTE: The instructions below are included as a quick reference for this topic. This page and its options are fully documented in Manage Community Members.
- On the community page, click Settings to access the Settings menu.
- Click Members to access the Manage Community Members page.
- Locate the intended member record, click the down arrow next to Edit Roles, and choose Remove.
- At the confirmation prompt, click Yes - Remove.
The user is immediately removed from the community.