NOTE: This article is for customers with the "classic" Admin interface (horizontal top-navigation bar).
If your interface is different, view the New Admin Experience version of this article.
Create a Survey
Click on the Surveys tab to access the Manage Surveys page.
Enter a name for your survey in the blank “Create New Survey” box. Click Go to proceed.
Select a survey template
When beginning a new survey, you will be presented with the Select Survey Template page. Here, you can choose an existing template or create one.
Create the first question
After selecting your template, you’re taken to the main page for creating survey content. There, two button options are presented: New and Text. Select New to create a question. Select Text to add text remarks and other content (e.g. images, links, etc.).
Click the Text button to see an HTML editor for adding text, links, images, and other elements. This functionality is ideal for adding opening remarks and including instructions between questions.
Input your content and click Add Text. The survey will refresh and display the content.
Four options appear beneath the new content:
- New – create a new question
- Text – create a new text object
- Edit – edit the existing text object
- Delete – delete the existing text object
Click New to open the ‘Add Question’ dialog.
First, enter the question text in the Input Question field. You can format the question with the toolbar above it. Click the Images button to add pictures, and click the Source button to edit the HTML for the question text.
Next, select a question or field type. Higher Logic Thrive Marketing Enterprise (Thrive Marketing Enterprise) allows you to create 11 question types.
Question / Field Type | Description |
Drop down list (multiple choice – single answer) | Respondents open a dropdown menu and select one answer. |
Check boxes (multiple choice – multiple answers) | Respondents check off one or more answer in a list |
Radio buttons (multiple choice – single answer) | Respondents see all answers listed and select one. |
1 Line text box | Respondents enter a brief text answer. |
Multi-Line text box | Respondents can enter a longer text answer. |
Multiple select box (multiple choice – multiple answers) | Respondents are given one box listing all possible answers, and move one or more to a selection box. |
Date field | Respondents enter a date. |
Matrix (multiple choice – single answer) | Respondents are given a table, and select an answer for each row. (This is good for satisfaction surveys: for example, rating services on a 1-5 scale.) |
Ranking question using text boxes | Respondents rank options by entering a number next to each one. |
Constant sum | Respondents rank options by giving a score to each one. The scores must add up to a constant value. (This option is good for weighing preferences with a percentage – e.g., 50% for option 1, 25% for option 2, 15% for option 3, 10% for option 4.) |
Matrix (multiple choice – multiple answers) | Respondents are given a table and can select more than one option for each row. |
Depending on the question or field type selected, parameters and options related to the question will be displayed. Simply input/select the desired values and options and click the Add button. If the question type requires pre-defined answers (e.g. Radio Buttons, Check Boxes), you’ll be taken to the Add Answers or Choices pop-in page where you input the answer options. After inputting the answers, click Add and the question (and answers) are created.
Survey templates
Just like with Thrive Marketing Enterprise's emails and event registration pages, you have the ability to brand your surveys using a template. Survey templates make most sense when you’re including a link to the survey in your outbound email, as opposed to embedding the survey in the body of the message. And just like emails and event registration templates, you can set up multiple templates for different initiatives, divisions, or audience segments.
When beginning a new survey, you will be presented with the Select Survey Template page. Here, you can choose an existing template or create a new one.
Create a survey template
To create your own template, name the survey on the home page and click the Create/Edit Survey Template link in the left navigation bar. Next, add the name of your template in the Create New Template field and click the GO button.
Next, select one of four predefined templates shells:
- Header, left column, main body
- Header, left column, main body, footer
- Header, right column, main body, footer
- Header, main body, footer
After you have selected a predefined shell, you will be able to enter design attributes for each section. Your shell will appear at the top of the subsequent page. Each section within that shell includes an Edit link that allows you to enter design text and elements using the WYSIWYG or cut-and-paste editors.
You can also define style specifications for the entire template – similar to using CSS – by entering design attributes under Edit Template Style Properties on the bottom half of the page.
Once created, the name of your new template will appear as an option in the template selection list on the main template page.
Add questions/form fields
Beneath each question on your survey is a row of green action buttons: New, Edit, Delete, Copy and Text. Click the “New” button and the new question dialog box will appear.
Edit an existing question/field
A question can be edited after it has been created by clicking on the “Edit” action button beneath the question. This opens the “Edit Question” dialog box and allows changes to the question type and any other question properties.
Question types
When creating or editing a question, the following question types are available in a dropdown menu:
Question or field type | Description |
Drop down list (multiple choice – single answer) | Respondents open a dropdown menu and select one answer. |
Check boxes (multiple choice – multiple answers) | Respondents check off one or more answer in a list |
Radio buttons (multiple choice – single answer) | Respondents see all answers listed and select one. |
1 Line text box | Respondents enter a brief text answer. |
Multi-Line text box | Respondents can enter a longer text answer. |
Multiple select box (multiple choice – multiple answers) | Respondents are given one box listing all possible answers, and move one or more to a selection box. |
Date field | Respondents enter a date. |
Matrix (multiple choice – single answer) | Respondents are given a table, and select an answer for each row. (This is good for satisfaction surveys: for example, rating services on a 1-5 scale.) |
Ranking question using text boxes | Respondents rank options by entering a number next to each one. |
Constant sum | Respondents rank options by giving a score to each one. The scores must add up to a constant value. (This option is good for weighing preferences with a percentage – e.g., 50% for option 1, 25% for option 2, 15% for option 3, 10% for option 4.) |
Matrix (multiple choice – multiple answers) | Respondents are given a table and can select more than one option for each row. |
Add a text object
To insert a block of text at any point in the survey, click on the “Text” action button beneath each question. This opens the Text Object input window, where you can enter your text and edit it with the included text editor.
Field spacing
To modify the spacing between questions, click on the “Edit” action button for any question and scroll down to “Field Spacing.” Decrease the spacing to cluster questions closer together, or increase to create a visual break between questions or groups of questions.
Arrange the questions
Thrive Marketing Enterprise surveys use “drag and drop” functionality to design the survey layout. Click on the question or text object you want to move, hold your mouse button down, and drag it to the new location. Release the button and the question/text objects drops into its new location.
Delete a question
To delete a question, click the “Delete” button. A pop up will appear asking to confirm that you want to delete this question. Click “OK” and the question will be deleted.
IMPORTANT: Once a question is deleted it CANNOT be recovered. All related answers and data will also be deleted.
Copy a field/question
Yes. The “Copy” button beneath each question allows you to insert an exact replica of a question and insert it directly below the original. The copied question includes all the original question’s attributes: question type, response choices, field sizes, mandatory status, etc.
Make a question mandatory
When creating the question select the “Yes” option for “Is this field mandatory?”. If a respondent does not answer a mandatory question and submits the page, he/she will be prompted to answer before proceeding to the next question.
When making a field mandatory, consider that an existing contact might be updating a field, and that the "mandatory" status might prevent the survey from being submitted.
For example, assume that Susan's current record in Thrive Marketing Enterprise has "Apt. #2" as the value for the Address 2 field. If Susan has moved and no longer has an apartment number, she will not be providing a value for the Address 2 field, and her not providing a value for this mandatory field will prevent her from submitting the survey.
Set an answer as a default
Yes. Adjacent to each answer you enter there is a radio button labeled “Default”. Selecting this will default that answer when the respondent sees the question. He/she can of course select ANY answer when answering the survey.