This article describes how to create vCalendars and vCards for your mailings.
vCalendars are electronic calendar entries you can insert into a mailing. When a vCal is clicked, the event is added to the recipient's calendar.
Create a vCalendar
- Navigate to Mailings > Options > vCards & vCalendars > vCalendars tab.
- Click vCalendar.
- Give the event a name.
- Configure the event's details.
- Select the appropriate categories.
- Choose whether or not to set a reminder. Setting a reminder is a great way to make sure your subscribers remember.
- Click Save.
vCards are virtual business cards that are stored in a contact file. They are simple to create and make it easy for your subscribers to have your organization's contact information in a ready-to-use format.
Higher Logic Thrive Marketing Professional (Thrive Marketing Professional) allows you to link to a vCard contact file in a mailing. When subscribers click this link, the vCard creates a new contact in the address book of their default email client.
NOTE: vCards are supported by most email clients.
Create a vCard
- Navigate to Mailings > Options > vCards & vCalendars > vCard tab.
- Click Create vCard.
- In the window, complete all fields marked with a red asterisk (*) and any other fields as desired. Note that the Card Name is a Thrive Marketing Professional-only title.
- When finished, click Save.
Insert a vCard in a mailing
- While editing your mailing, highlight the text in your mailing that you wish to use for the vCard link and click the Insert Hyperlink icon in the HTML editor toolbar.
- Click the Hyperlink Type menu and select vCard. This expands the window with a new dropdown list.
- Click the vCard dropdown menu and select the vCard you want to use.
- Click Insert Hyperlink to finish.
The vCard link now appears in your mailing.
When subscribers click the vCard link, they are prompted to save your information in their email client.